Self‐determination of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities

SN Skarsaune - Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Self‐determination is a human right that people with profound intellectual and multiple
disabilities (PIMD) risk not being granted. Exploration of such topics and research in general …

Holding and professional care: On self-determination for persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities

SN Skarsaune, HM Hanisch - Research and Practice for …, 2023 -
Persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PMID) are in danger of not being
granted the human right to experience self-determination. Attitudes questioning the …

Factors Influencing Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Scoping Review of Health and Care Workers' Experiences

R Couvrette, É Milot, G Fortin - Journal of Social Work in End-of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
In developed countries, there has been an increase in the longevity of adults with intellectual
disabilities. In the later stages of their lives, people with intellectual disability have specific …

Top ten tips palliative care clinicians should know about navigating the needs of adults with intellectual disabilities

CM Moore, CX Pan, K Roseman… - Journal of Palliative …, 2022 -
As many people with intellectual disabilities (ID) live longer, the need for access to quality
palliative care (PC) rises. People with ID realize significant barriers and inequities in …

A Qualitative Exploration of Healthcare Workers' Experiences of End of Life Care for People With an Intellectual Disability

M McCarron, E Burke, PM Callion… - Journal of Advanced …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Aim To explore healthcare workers' experiences of end of life care for people with an
intellectual disability. Design A descriptive qualitative study. Method Semi‐structured …

Brukermedvirkning i omsorgspraksiser sammen med personer med alvorlig utviklingshemming–fra svak paternalisme mot respektfull omsorg

A Gjermestad, IL Larsen, SN Skarsaune - Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 2024 -
Brukermedvirkning sammen med unge voksne med alvorlig utviklingshemming er krevende
å realisere for ansatte i helse-og omsorgstjenestene. Dette kan blant annet knyttes til ulike …

Learning from persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: An ethnographic study exploring self-determination and ethics of professional relations

SKN Skarsaune - VID vitenskapelige høgskole-avhandlinger, 2023 -
Persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) are often excluded both
from research and several areas of society. These people depend on others in all matters …

Navigating End-of-Life Needs for a Person With Intellectual Disabilities and Their Caregivers

CM Moore, J Kates - Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 2022 -
People with intellectual disabilities (IDs) are living longer, with many experiencing significant
barriers to accessing palliative care and hospice services. Families, caregivers, and direct …

Kvalitet i tjenester til voksne personer med alvorlig/dyp utviklingshemming: En oppsummering av kunnskap

A Gjermestad - 2023 -
I denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen utforskes indikatorer på kvalitet i tjenester til voksne
med alvorlig/dyp utviklingshemming. Følgende forskningsspørsmål har vært styrende for …

Kehitysvammainen henkilö sosiaali-ja terveydenhuollon asiakkaana

R Hämäläinen - 2023 -
Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli kehitysvammainen henkilö sosiaali-ja terveydenhuollon
asiakkaana. Tutkimusongelman muodosti se, ettei integratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen …