[HTML][HTML] Democratising sustainability transformations: Assessing the transformative potential of democratic practices in environmental governance
Many democracies find it difficult to act swiftly on problems such as climate change and
biodiversity loss. This is reflected in long-standing debates in research and policy about …
biodiversity loss. This is reflected in long-standing debates in research and policy about …
[图书][B] Media and democratisation
N Jebril, V Stetka, M Loveless - 2013 - ora.ox.ac.uk
This report explores what is known about the roles of the mass media in transitions to
democracy. It offers a fundamental overview of thinking regarding democratisation through …
democracy. It offers a fundamental overview of thinking regarding democratisation through …
[引用][C] Democratic deficit: Critical citizens revisited
P Norris - 2011 - books.google.com
Many fear that democracies are suffering from a legitimacy crisis. This book focuses
on'democratic deficits', reflecting how far the perceived democratic performance of any state …
on'democratic deficits', reflecting how far the perceived democratic performance of any state …
Social movements
D Della Porta, M Diani - European Studies, 1999 - torrossa.com
In Europe, as in the rest of the Western world, scholarly interest in social movements
developed with the wave of protest that, in the late sixties, shook confidence in the 'end of …
developed with the wave of protest that, in the late sixties, shook confidence in the 'end of …
[PDF][PDF] Comparative Government and Politics
R Hague - 2004 -
Early in the 1950s my parents tired of summer holidays mostly spent on chilly wind-swept
beaches and embarked, with hire car, tents, and four young children, on what was, in the …
beaches and embarked, with hire car, tents, and four young children, on what was, in the …
[图书][B] Demokratietheorien
MG Schmidt - 2000 - Springer
Dies ist die sechste, grundlegend überarbeitete, aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage einer
Einführung in klassische und moderne Theorien der Demokratie, die erstmals 1995 …
Einführung in klassische und moderne Theorien der Demokratie, die erstmals 1995 …
[图书][B] Mobilizing for democracy: Comparing 1989 and 2011
D Della Porta - 2014 - books.google.com
Strangely enough, while the pictures used to illustrate the most recent wave of protests for
democracy in North Africa represent mass protest, research on social movements and …
democracy in North Africa represent mass protest, research on social movements and …
[图书][B] Understanding Central America: Global forces and political change
JA Booth, CJ Wade, TW Walker - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
In this seventh edition, John A. Booth, Christine J. Wade, and Thomas W. Walker update a
classic in the field which invites students to explore the histories, economies, and politics of …
classic in the field which invites students to explore the histories, economies, and politics of …
The art of the possible: Power sharing and post—civil war democracy
CA Hartzell, M Hoddie - World politics, 2015 - cambridge.org
Although there is now a wealth of scholarship concerning the onset, duration, and
termination of civil wars, there is not nearly as much empirical research by political scientists …
termination of civil wars, there is not nearly as much empirical research by political scientists …
Democracy in transition: A micro perspective on system change in post-socialist societies
A Neundorf - The Journal of Politics, 2010 - journals.uchicago.edu
This paper examines how the system change following the collapse of socialism affected the
political outlook of citizens by comparing the satisfaction with democracy among several …
political outlook of citizens by comparing the satisfaction with democracy among several …