[PDF][PDF] Pembelajaran Lingkungan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal dengan Model Experiential Learning
Environmental damage that occurs on earth is caused by human activities. Human activities
that use the environment excessively cause the environment to be damaged. These …
that use the environment excessively cause the environment to be damaged. These …
Transactional Communication of Garut People in Dealing with Potential Natural Disaster
D Wardyaningrum, SBH Hutomo - Komunikator, 2022 - journal.umy.ac.id
Abstract Villages in West Java are some of the most hydrometeorology disaster-prone areas.
Giri Awas in Garut is one of the villages in West Java whose area is located on the hills of …
Giri Awas in Garut is one of the villages in West Java whose area is located on the hills of …
[PDF][PDF] Budaya Ngelong Suku Kasong Manggarai Dalam Terang Filsafat Dialogis Martin Buber Ngelong Culture of the Kasong Manggarai Tribe in the Light of Martin …
A Asman, A Riyanto - Jurnal Masyarakat dan Budaya, 2022 - koleksi.museumranb.id
Fokus pembahasan dari tulisan ini untuk menggali makna dan nilai-nilai filosofis di balik
budaya Ngelong suku Kasong Manggarai-Flores-NTT. Metodogi perspektif pembahasan …
budaya Ngelong suku Kasong Manggarai-Flores-NTT. Metodogi perspektif pembahasan …
Raising the Value of Local Wisdom “Ro'a Dun Kare Taden” in Sikka Regency as a Learning Material for Students in Elementary School
M Yufrinalis, E Dewa - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on …, 2021 - eudl.eu
The world today is experiencing a very crucial impact of global warming. During the last
century or so, the earth's temperature has increased quite significantly with an average …
century or so, the earth's temperature has increased quite significantly with an average …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of Local Wisdom Toward Environmental Conservation Attitude in Bangkalan District: a Preliminary Research
Y Hidayati - Jurnal Pena Sains Vol, 2019 - core.ac.uk
Based on the results and discussion previously described, the results can be concluded that
local wisdom in Bangkalan district can be used to raise awareness of the importance of …
local wisdom in Bangkalan district can be used to raise awareness of the importance of …
Local wisdom in the Guwosari for its Preservation in the Development of Campus II UIN Sunan Kalijaga
The university's development should not overlook the valuable indigenous knowledge
inherited within the local community. Local wisdom comprises the customs and practices …
inherited within the local community. Local wisdom comprises the customs and practices …
Refungsionalisasi Hukum Pidana Adat Lampung Dalam Sistem Penegakan Hukum Pidana Berbasis Kearifan Lokal
DP Melati - 2022 - digilib.unila.ac.id
Hukum Pidana Adat Lampung sebagai kearifan lokal masyarakat Lampung telah diterapkan
sebelum kemerdekaan RI. Keberlakuannya meredup seiring diterapkannya sistem …
sebelum kemerdekaan RI. Keberlakuannya meredup seiring diterapkannya sistem …
Local history online learning strategies: teacher's perception
The purpose of this research is to determine the appropriate strategy in teaching local
history according to the teacher's perception. Usually, local history learning is done directly …
history according to the teacher's perception. Usually, local history learning is done directly …
Local Wisdom Values of the Pulo Traditional Village Community in Environmental Management
Local wisdom is the lives values that enables people to live in harmony with other
individual and their environment. An example of a place that still maintains this value is a …
individual and their environment. An example of a place that still maintains this value is a …
Education In Era 4.0 Based On Local Wisdom: Existence Of Value And Technology
I Fathurohman, M Kanzunnudin… - … 2019: Proceeding of …, 2019 - books.google.com
Education as the spearhead in changing times, the superiority of the work ethic, and the
building elements that cannot be ruled out. As a basis in influencing various events of …
building elements that cannot be ruled out. As a basis in influencing various events of …