[PDF][PDF] Pembelajaran Lingkungan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal dengan Model Experiential Learning

BD Immaniar, S Sumarmi, IK Astina - 2019 - academia.edu
Environmental damage that occurs on earth is caused by human activities. Human activities
that use the environment excessively cause the environment to be damaged. These …

Transactional Communication of Garut People in Dealing with Potential Natural Disaster

D Wardyaningrum, SBH Hutomo - Komunikator, 2022 - journal.umy.ac.id
Abstract Villages in West Java are some of the most hydrometeorology disaster-prone areas.
Giri Awas in Garut is one of the villages in West Java whose area is located on the hills of …

[PDF][PDF] Budaya Ngelong Suku Kasong Manggarai Dalam Terang Filsafat Dialogis Martin Buber Ngelong Culture of the Kasong Manggarai Tribe in the Light of Martin …

A Asman, A Riyanto - Jurnal Masyarakat dan Budaya, 2022 - koleksi.museumranb.id
Fokus pembahasan dari tulisan ini untuk menggali makna dan nilai-nilai filosofis di balik
budaya Ngelong suku Kasong Manggarai-Flores-NTT. Metodogi perspektif pembahasan …

Raising the Value of Local Wisdom “Ro'a Dun Kare Taden” in Sikka Regency as a Learning Material for Students in Elementary School

M Yufrinalis, E Dewa - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on …, 2021 - eudl.eu
The world today is experiencing a very crucial impact of global warming. During the last
century or so, the earth's temperature has increased quite significantly with an average …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of Local Wisdom Toward Environmental Conservation Attitude in Bangkalan District: a Preliminary Research

Y Hidayati - Jurnal Pena Sains Vol, 2019 - core.ac.uk
Based on the results and discussion previously described, the results can be concluded that
local wisdom in Bangkalan district can be used to raise awareness of the importance of …

Local wisdom in the Guwosari for its Preservation in the Development of Campus II UIN Sunan Kalijaga

M Zamhari, A Wirabhuana, S Arief - JPG (Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi …, 2024 - ppjp.ulm.ac.id
The university's development should not overlook the valuable indigenous knowledge
inherited within the local community. Local wisdom comprises the customs and practices …

Refungsionalisasi Hukum Pidana Adat Lampung Dalam Sistem Penegakan Hukum Pidana Berbasis Kearifan Lokal

DP Melati - 2022 - digilib.unila.ac.id
Hukum Pidana Adat Lampung sebagai kearifan lokal masyarakat Lampung telah diterapkan
sebelum kemerdekaan RI. Keberlakuannya meredup seiring diterapkannya sistem …

Local history online learning strategies: teacher's perception

R Gunawan, H Rachmah - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
The purpose of this research is to determine the appropriate strategy in teaching local
history according to the teacher's perception. Usually, local history learning is done directly …

Local Wisdom Values of the Pulo Traditional Village Community in Environmental Management

YS Astuti, R Mainaki, AE Putri - Geosfera Indonesia, 2022 - jurnal.unej.ac.id
Local wisdom is the lives values​ that enables people to live in harmony with other
individual and their environment. An example of a place that still maintains this value is a …

Education In Era 4.0 Based On Local Wisdom: Existence Of Value And Technology

I Fathurohman, M Kanzunnudin… - … 2019: Proceeding of …, 2019 - books.google.com
Education as the spearhead in changing times, the superiority of the work ethic, and the
building elements that cannot be ruled out. As a basis in influencing various events of …