The growth of language: Universal Grammar, experience, and principles of computation

C Yang, S Crain, RC Berwick, N Chomsky… - … & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2017 - Elsevier
Human infants develop language remarkably rapidly and without overt instruction. We argue
that the distinctive ontogenesis of child language arises from the interplay of three factors …

[图书][B] The acquisition of heritage languages

S Montrul - 2016 -
Heritage speakers are native speakers of a minority language they learn at home, but due to
socio-political pressure from the majority language spoken in their community, their heritage …

5: Grammatical illusions and selective fallibility in real-time language comprehension

C Phillips, MW Wagers, EF Lau - Experiments at the Interfaces, 2011 -
Grammatical constraints impose diverse requirements on the relations between words and
phrases in a sentence. Research on the online implementation of grammatical constraints …

The effect of syntactic constraints on the processing of backwards anaphora

N Kazanina, EF Lau, M Lieberman, M Yoshida… - Journal of Memory and …, 2007 - Elsevier
This article presents three studies that investigate when syntactic constraints become
available during the processing of long-distance backwards pronominal dependencies …

The role of language processing in language acquisition

C Phillips, L Ehrenhofer - Linguistic approaches to bilingualism, 2015 -
Language processing research is changing in two ways that should make it more relevant to
the study of grammatical learning. First, grammatical phenomena are re-entering the …

Equal treatment for all antecedents: How children succeed with Principle B

A Conroy, E Takahashi, J Lidz, C Phillips - Linguistic Inquiry, 2009 -
Children have repeatedly been found to exhibit Principle B violations, with some reports that
these violations occur only with nonquantified antecedents. This quantificational asymmetry …

Respecting relations: Memory access and antecedent retrieval in incremental sentence processing

DW Kush - 2013 -
This dissertation uses the processing of anaphoric relations to probe how linguistic
information is encoded in and retrieved from memory during real-time sentence …

Binding and Anticataphora in Mayan

J Royer - Linguistic Inquiry, 2023 -
This article examines a puzzle pertaining to the distribution of covalued nominals in two
understudied Mayan languages, Chuj and Ch'ol. While Ch'ol behaves as expected with …

[图书][B] Elements of (in) definiteness and binding: A Mayan perspective

J Royer - 2022 -
This thesis explores topics pertaining to the syntax and semantics of nominal expressions,
with a focus on definite, indefinite, demonstrative, and pronominal elements. The data are …

Differential effects of constraints in the processing of Russian cataphora

N Kazanina, C Phillips - Quarterly Journal of Experimental …, 2010 -
Anaphoric relations between pronouns and their antecedents are subject to a number of
different linguistic constraints, which exclude the possibility of coreference in specific …