Time crystals: a review

K Sacha, J Zakrzewski - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
Time crystals are time-periodic self-organized structures postulated by Frank Wilczek in
2012. While the original concept was strongly criticized, it stimulated at the same time an …

Quantum kicked rotor and its variants: Chaos, localization and beyond

MS Santhanam, S Paul, JB Kannan - Physics Reports, 2022 - Elsevier
Kicked rotor is a paradigmatic model for classical and quantum chaos in time-dependent
Hamiltonian systems. More than fifty years since the introduction of this model, there is an …

Many-body localization in periodically driven systems

P Ponte, Z Papić, F Huveneers, DA Abanin - Physical review letters, 2015 - APS
We consider disordered many-body systems with periodic time-dependent Hamiltonians in
one spatial dimension. By studying the properties of the Floquet eigenstates, we identify two …

Periodically driven ergodic and many-body localized quantum systems

P Ponte, A Chandran, Z Papić, DA Abanin - Annals of Physics, 2015 - Elsevier
We study dynamics of isolated quantum many-body systems whose Hamiltonian is switched
between two different operators periodically in time. The eigenvalue problem of the …

Critical properties of the Anderson transition on random graphs: Two-parameter scaling theory, Kosterlitz-Thouless type flow, and many-body localization

I García-Mata, J Martin, O Giraud, B Georgeot… - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
The Anderson transition in random graphs has raised great interest, partly out of the hope
that its analogy with the many-body localization (MBL) transition might lead to a better …

Many-body dynamical delocalization in a kicked one-dimensional ultracold gas

JH See Toh, KC McCormick, X Tang, Y Su, XW Luo… - Nature Physics, 2022 - nature.com
Contrary to a driven classical system that exhibits chaotic behaviour and diffusive energy
growth, a kicked quantum system can exhibit the emergence of dynamical localization …

Multifractal finite-size scaling and universality at the Anderson transition

A Rodriguez, LJ Vasquez, K Slevin, RA Römer - Physical Review B …, 2011 - APS
We describe a new multifractal finite-size scaling (MFSS) procedure and its application to
the Anderson localization-delocalization transition. MFSS permits the simultaneous …

Localization-delocalization transition in the dynamics of dipolar-coupled nuclear spins

GA Álvarez, D Suter, R Kaiser - Science, 2015 - science.org
Nonequilibrium dynamics of many-body systems are important in many scientific fields.
Here, we report the experimental observation of a phase transition of the quantum coherent …

Experimental test of universality of the Anderson transition

M Lopez, JF Clément, P Szriftgiser, JC Garreau… - Physical Review Letters, 2012 - APS
We experimentally test the universality of the Anderson three dimensional metal-insulator
transition, using a quasiperiodic atomic kicked rotor. Nine sets of parameters controlling the …

Experimental observation of two-dimensional Anderson localization with the atomic kicked rotor

I Manai, JF Clément, R Chicireanu, C Hainaut… - Physical review …, 2015 - APS
Dimension 2 is expected to be the lower critical dimension for Anderson localization in a
time-reversal-invariant disordered quantum system. Using an atomic quasiperiodic kicked …