[PDF][PDF] Ontology based web page topic identification

AS Rathore, D Roy - International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014 - Citeseer
With the emergence of the web, lots of research efforts are made in the area of Web Mining.
This paper proposes an automatic approach for automatic topic identification from the web …


SE Garza, RF Brena - APPL. COMPUT. MATH, 2012 - researchgate.net
This paper introduces structural topic mining: an approach for discovering and describing
thematically related document groups in large document collections. A collection is viewed …

[PDF][PDF] Desarrollo de un software para la detección automática de tópicos en documentos textuales basada en taxonomía

PP Silva, C Freitas, EG da Silva - Ciencias de la Información, 2014 - redalyc.org
En este trabajo propone un método que utiliza una taxonomía para la identificación
automática de tópicos. La idea principal que subyace este artículo es la de aprovechar una …

[引用][C] A Process for Extracting Groups of Thematically Related Documents in Encyclopedic Knowledge Web Collections by Means of a Pure Hyperlink-based …

SE Garza Villarreal - 2010 - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios …

[引用][C] A Process for Extracting Groups of Thematically Related Documents in Encyclopedic Knowledge Web Collections by Means of a Pure Hyperlink-based …

SEG Villarreal - 2010