Computational design and performance of the Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model, version one

R Jacob, C Schafer, I Foster, M Tobis… - … Science—ICCS 2001 …, 2001 - Springer
Abstract The Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model (FOAM) is a climate system model intended for
application to climate science questions that require long simulations. FOAM is a distributed …

A GCM study of climate change induced by deforestation in Africa

FHM Semazzi, Y Song - Climate Research, 2001 -
In this modeling study we investigated the potential climate change which would result from
totally clearing the tropical rain forests in Africa. The primary research vehicle in our …

The BASE land surface model

CE Desborough, AJ Pitman - Global and Planetary Change, 1998 - Elsevier
The Best Approximation of Surface Exchanges (BASE) land surface model is described in
detail. BASE is designed for large-scale climate modelling and for investigation of inter …

The impact of the subtropical South Atlantic SST on South American precipitation

AS Taschetto, I Wainer - Annales Geophysicae, 2008 -
The Community Climate Model (CCM3) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCAR) is used to investigate the effect of the South Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) …

Dynamics of subtropical vertical motions over the Americas during El Niño boreal winters

V Magaña, T Ambrizzi - Atmósfera, 2005 -
Dynamics of subtropical vertical motions over the Americas during El Niño boreal winters Page
1 Atmósfera 18(4), 211-233 (2005) Dynamics of subtropical vertical motions over the Americas …

[HTML][HTML] An efficient spectral dynamical core for distributed memory computers

L Rivier, R Loft, LM Polvani - Monthly weather review, 2002 -
The practical question of whether the classical spectral transform method, widely used in
atmospheric modeling, can be efficiently implemented on inexpensive commodity clusters is …

Modeling the East Asian climate during the last glacial maximum

P Zhao, L Chen, X Zhou, Y Gong, Y Han - Science in China Series D …, 2003 - Springer
Using the CCM3 global climate model of National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCAR), this paper comparatively analyzes the characteristics of East Asian monsoon and …

Modeling the tropical climate and the impact of the western Pacific sea surface temperature at the Last Glacial Maximum

P Zhao, X Zhou, Z Jian, M Sparrow… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Changes in tropical atmospheric heat and circulation patterns, as well as the effects of sea
surface temperature (SST) of the western Pacific during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) …

[HTML][HTML] CCM3 大气环流模式月-季尺度预报初步试验

余建锐, 董敏 - 应用气象学报, 2001 -
以1991 和1994 年NCEP 再分析格点资料作初始场, 用NCAR 气候模式CCM3 进行了48 次月,
季预报, 针对500 hPa 高度和中国降水资料对其预测能力进行了检验. 结果表明, CCM3 …

[图书][B] Prediction and numerical simulation of the regional climate of equatorial eastern Africa

M Indeje - 2000 -
The objective in this investigation was to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms
and physical processes responsible for climate variability over the equatorial eastern Africa …