Nudge in perspective: A systematic literature review on the ethical issues with nudging

P Kuyer, B Gordijn - Rationality and Society, 2023 -
In this article, we systematically review the literature on the ethics of nudging. Since the
publication of the book Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein in 2008, a rich literature …

Green nudges: Do they work? Are they ethical?

C Schubert - Ecological economics, 2017 - Elsevier
Environmental policies are increasingly informed by behavioral economics insights.'Green
nudges' in particular have been suggested as a promising new tool to encourage …

Digital nudging: Altering user behavior in digital environments

T Mirsch, C Lehrer, R Jung - 2017 -
Individuals make increasingly more decisions on screens, such as those on websites or
mobile apps. However, the nature of screens and the vast amount of information available …

How behavioral economics trims its sails and why

R Bubb, RH Pildes - Harv. L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
Behavioral law and economics (BLE) has been broadly regarded in recent years as among
the most promising and exciting new developments in public policymaking theory and …

When nudges fail: Slippery defaults

LE Willis - U. Chi. L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
" Nudging"-framing people's choices so as to channel them to better outcomes without
substantively limiting choice-is all the rage,'and perhaps the most popular framing tool is the …

The law and neuroscience bibliography: Navigating the emerging field of neurolaw

FX Shen - International Journal of Legal Information, 2010 -
In the past five years, we have witnessed extraordinary growth in the amount of legal
scholarship, legal practice, and public policy at the intersection of law and neuroscience. For …

Regulating systemic risk: towards an analytical framework

I Anabtawi, SL Schwarcz - Notre Dame L. Rev., 2011 - HeinOnline
Governments worldwide are struggling with the challenge of regulating financial systemic
risk-the risk that a localized adverse shock, such as the collapse of a firm or market, will have …

Nudge as fudge

K Yeung - Mod. L. Rev., 2012 - HeinOnline
Nudges are often used in my household. Directed primarily at my two year old daughter,
these practices range from pointing to other children riding happily in their pushchairs in …

Which way to nudge: Uncovering preferences in the behavioral age

J Goldin - Yale LJ, 2015 - HeinOnline
Behavioral Law and Economics has created a dilemma for policymakers. On the one hand,
research from the field suggests a wide range of unconventional policy instruments (" …

Regulation in Transition

BA Davis Noll, RL Revesz - Minn. L. Rev., 2019 - HeinOnline
Regulation in Transition Page 1 Article Regulation in Transition Bethany A. Davis Nollt and
Richard L. Revesztt Introduction ................................... ..... 2 I. Tools to Reverse Regulatory …