[HTML][HTML] Beauty and chemistry: the independent origins of synthetic lead white in east and west Eurasia

B Han, B Zhang, J Chong, Z Sun, Y Yang - Humanities and Social …, 2022 - nature.com
Lead white is one of the most important pigments in human history, and its synthesis has
promoted the development of art and cosmetics. The corrosion approach to synthesize lead …

The bronze cauldron of Avrămeni (Botoșani county). Aspects of collective and individual mobility during the late Iron Age in the territories between the Carpathians …

V Bârcă - Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2020 - ceeol.com
In 1942, following readjustment works of the road connecting the Săveni and Avrămeni
communes, a barrow was destroyed, resulting the find of a bronze cauldron. A. Nițu …

Bucket-shaped pendants from the Sarmatae environment. A few notes on the origin, dating and use of these amulets in the Barbarian world

V Bârcă - Cercetări Arheologice, 2021 - ceeol.com
Bucket-shaped pendants were broadly diffused in various cultural environments from the
area comprised between the north-east of the Black Sea and Central Europe. This study …

The Sarmatian Mirror with Tamgas from the Settlement of Sebeș-“Podul Pripocului”(Alba county, Romania): 50 years later

V Bârcă - Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2021 - ceeol.com
The article discusses the mirror discovered in 1967 following the archaeological excavations
conducted in the Sebeș-“Podul Pripocului” settlement (Alba county/RO), dated to the 3rd …

Roman bronze casseroles in the Sarmatae graves from the area between the Don and the Lower Danube

V Bârcă - Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2021 - ceeol.com
The object herein is to analyse the bronze casseroles discovered in the Sarmatian graves
from thearea between the Lower Don and the Lower Danube, located on the current territory …

Pătrunderea și așezarea primelor grupuri de sarmați în Câmpia Panonică. Câteva considerații și observații

V Bârcă - Apulum, 2022 - ceeol.com
În literatura de specialitate au fost elaborate numeroase studii în care au fost abordate
diferite aspecte legate de locuirea sarmaţilor în Câmpia Panonică pe parcursul a patru …


Д Топал - Tyragetia, 2020 - ibn.idsi.md
Бронзовые литые котлы скифского времени–довольно редкая находка в Северном
Причерноморье, особенно на его западных рубежах. Согласно последним данным …


Ş Vasilache - Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2022 - ceeol.com
The present article is the second part of a study dedicated to a cheek-piece discovered in
the Dacian fortress from Costești-Cetățuie, in south-western Transylvania. The first paper …

[PDF][PDF] Find of 2002 from Saharna Mare. A Scythian cauldron in a Getian hillfort? Находка 2002 г. из Сахарна Маре. Скифский котел на гетском

D Topal, M Băț - biblioteca-digitala.ro
В 2002 году при раскопках на городище Сахарна Маре (Резинский район, Республика
Молдова) был обнаружен бронзовый предмет со следами огня, отнесенный авторами …

Find of 2002 from Saharna Mare. A Scythian cauldron in a Getian hillfort?

D Topal, M Băţ - Descoperiri vechi şi abordări noi în arheologia epocii …, 2022 - ibn.idsi.md
In 2002, a bronze item with traces of fire was discovered during the excavation at the
Saharna Mare hillfort (Rezina district, Republic of Moldova), attributed by the authors of the …