[PDF][PDF] Bounds for solutions of nonlinear singular interface problems on time scales using a monotone iterative method.

DKK Vamsi, PK Baruah - … of Differential Equations (EJDE)[electronic only], 2010 - eudml.org
<noindent Electronic Journal of Differential Equations , Vol . 20 1 0 ( 201 0 ) , No . 1 9 , pp . 1
-- 9 ISSN : 1 72 - 6691 . Page 1 <noindent Electronic Journal of Differential Equations , Vol …

Disconjugacy and Nonoscillation Domains for Nonlinear Singular Interface Problems on Semi‐Infinite Time Scales

DKK Vamsi, PK Baruah - International Scholarly Research …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
We define and discuss the disconjugacy (𝒟) and nonoscillation (𝒩) domains for a pair of
dynamic equations along with matching interface conditions on the semi‐infinite time scale …

[PDF][PDF] Existence of multiple positive solutions and localisation of eigen values for nonlinear sturm liouville problems with a singular interface using the greens matrix

DKK Vamsi, PK Baruah - m-hikari.com
In this paper we define the Green's matrix for a nonlinear sturm liouville problem associated
with a pair of dynamic equations on time scale with a singularity at the point of interface. Also …

Existential and Uniqueness Results for Boundary Value Problems associated with Non-linear Singular Interface Problems on Time Scales using Fixed Point Theorems

DKK Vamsi, I Aditya, K Dwarakanath… - International Journal of …, 2014 - ijmttjournal.org
Existential and Uniqueness Results for Bound- ary Value Problems associated with Non- linear
Singular Interface Problems on Time Page 1 Existential and Uniqueness Results for Boundary …

Existential and uniqueness results for initial value problems associated with nth order nonlinear singular interface problems on time scales using fixed point theorems

DKK Vamsi, K Dwarakanath, I Aditya, PK Baruah - Adv. Fixed Point Theory, 2013 - scik.org
In this paper, we present existence and uniqueness results for IVPs associated with general
nonlinear singular interface problems on Time Scales. We discuss the existential results for …

[PDF][PDF] Research Article Disconjugacy and Nonoscillation Domains for Nonlinear Singular Interface Problems on Semi-Infinite Time Scales

DKK Vamsi, PK Baruah - 2011 - academia.edu
We define and discuss the disconjugacy D and nonoscillation N domains for a pair of
dynamic equations along with matching interface conditions on the semi-infinite time scale …

[引用][C] KNVSD. Dwarakanath, PK Baruah Article: Existential and Uniqueness Results for Boundary Value Problems associated with Non-linear Singular Interface …

DKK Vamsi, I Aditya - International Journal of Mathematical Trends and …

[引用][C] IJMTT Call for Paper October-2022

DST Ramesh, A Subramanian, K Sunitha - 2017