Power, interdependence, and nonstate actors in world politics

A Moravcsik, HV Milner - 2009 - torrossa.com
International relations would be a very different discipline today were it not for the
contributions of Robert O. Keohane. The citation trail alone, which passes through countless …

[图书][B] Умные города. Монография

Е Попов, К Семячков - 2020 - books.google.com
Первая российская монография, посвященная теоретическим основам
институционального моделирования умных городов. Приведены инструменты …

Geopolitical and economic interests in environmental governance: explaining observer state status in the Arctic Council

N Filimonova, A Obydenkova, VG Rodrigues Vieira - Climatic Change, 2023 - Springer
Which factors lead states to apply for observer status in the Arctic Council (AC)? What
explains the acceptance of those applications? In 2013, the AC underwent its most …

Is there a broader-deeper trade-off in international multilateral agreements?

MJ Gilligan - International Organization, 2004 - cambridge.org
It is commonly thought that there is a trade-off between the breadth and depth of multilateral
institutions—that is, multilaterals that are more inclusive in their memberships will …

Joining the Club: Accession to the GATT/WTO

CL Davis, M Wilf - The Journal of Politics, 2017 - journals.uchicago.edu
Which states join international institutions? Existing theories of the multilateral trade regime,
the GATT/WTO, emphasize gains from cooperation on substantive policies regulated by the …

[图书][B] China's strategic multilateralism: Investing in global governance

SL Kastner, MM Pearson, C Rector - 2018 - books.google.com
China sometimes plays a leadership role in addressing global challenges, but at other times
it free rides or even spoils efforts at cooperation. When will rising powers like China help to …

Multilateralism, bilateralism, and regime design

A Thompson, D Verdier - International Studies Quarterly, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Different international regimes are built from legal instruments that vary in terms of whether
they are multilateral, bilateral, or a combination thereof. We investigate the reasons for such …

Institutional hokey-pokey: the politics of multispeed integration in the European Union

CB Jensen, JB Slapin - Journal of European Public Policy, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
EU member states desiring deeper integration often call for a multispeed approach to
pursue ambitious projects without the hinderance of laggards. At other times, laggards have …

International cooperation theory and international institutions

X Dai, D Snidal, M Sampson - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of …, 2010 - oxfordre.com
The study of international cooperation has emerged and evolved over the past few decades
as a cornerstone of international relations research. The strategy here for reviewing such a …

Discriminatory clubs: The geopolitics of international organizations

CL Davis - 2023 - torrossa.com
Princeton University Press is committed to the protection of copyright and the intellectual
property our authors entrust to us. Copyright promotes the progress and integrity of …