Recalcitrant dissolved organic carbon fractions

DA Hansell - Annual review of marine science, 2013 -
Marine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) exhibits a spectrum of reactivity, from very fast
turnover of the most bioavailable forms in the surface ocean to long-lived materials …

Microbially mediated transformations of phosphorus in the sea: new views of an old cycle

DM Karl - Annual review of marine science, 2014 -
Phosphorus (P) is a required element for life. Its various chemical forms are found
throughout the lithosphere and hydrosphere, where they are acted on by numerous abiotic …

Dissolved organic matter in the ocean: A controversy stimulates new insights

DA Hansell, CA Carlson, DJ Repeta, R Schlitzer - Oceanography, 2009 - JSTOR
Containing as much carbon as the atmosphere, marine dissolved organic matter is one of
Earth's major carbon reservoirs. With invigoration of scientific inquiries into the global carbon …

Dissolved organic nitrogen: a dynamic participant in aquatic ecosystems

T Berman, DA Bronk - Aquatic microbial ecology, 2003 -
In both marine and freshwaters, the concentration of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON)
frequently exceeds that of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), including ammonium, nitrate …

Phosphate depletion in the western North Atlantic Ocean

J Wu, W Sunda, EA Boyle, DM Karl - Science, 2000 -
Surface waters of the subtropical Sargasso Sea contain dissolved inorganic phosphate
(DIP) concentrations of 0.2 to 1.0 nanomolar, which are sufficiently low to result in …

Spatial coupling of nitrogen inputs and losses in the ocean

C Deutsch, JL Sarmiento, DM Sigman, N Gruber… - Nature, 2007 -
Nitrogen fixation is crucial for maintaining biological productivity in the oceans, because it
replaces the biologically available nitrogen that is lost through denitrification. But, owing to …

Understanding the export of biogenic particles in oceanic waters: Is there consensus?

PW Boyd, TW Trull - Progress in Oceanography, 2007 - Elsevier
We examine progress towards a global view of oceanic export of particulate organic carbon
(POC) and other nutrient elements (P, N, Si) from the surface (upper 100m), through the …

A global marine‐fixed nitrogen isotopic budget: Implications for Holocene nitrogen cycling

JA Brandes, AH Devol - Global biogeochemical cycles, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
A nitrogen stable isotopic model was constructed in order to constrain the Holocene marine‐
fixed nitrogen budget. The primary sources and sinks considered were riverine and …

Global-scale carbon and energy flows through the marine planktonic food web: An analysis with a coupled physical–biological model

CA Stock, JP Dunne, JG John - Progress in Oceanography, 2014 - Elsevier
Global-scale planktonic ecosystem models exhibit large differences in simulated net primary
production (NPP) and assessment of planktonic food web fluxes beyond primary producers …

Ocean Biogeochemistry in GFDL's Earth System Model 4.1 and Its Response to Increasing Atmospheric CO2

CA Stock, JP Dunne, S Fan, P Ginoux… - Journal of Advances …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
This contribution describes the ocean biogeochemical component of the Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory's Earth System Model 4.1 (GFDL‐ESM4. 1), assesses GFDL‐ESM4 …