Analysis of the interaction between elderly people and a simulated virtual coach

R Justo, L Ben Letaifa, C Palmero… - Journal of Ambient …, 2020 - Springer
The EMPATHIC project develops and validates new interaction paradigms for personalized
virtual coaches (VC) to promote healthy and independent aging. To this end, the work …

Wizard of Oz experimentation for language technology applications: Challenges and tools

S Schlögl, G Doherty, S Luz - Interacting with Computers, 2015 -
Wizard of Oz (WOZ) is a well-established method for simulating the functionality and user
experience of future systems. Using a human wizard to mimic certain operations of a …

MILLA-Multimodal Interactive Language Learning Agent

JP Cabral, N Campbell, S Ganesh, E Gilmartin… - 18th Workshop on the …, 2014 -
Learning a new language involves the acquisition and integration of a range of skills. A
human tutor aids learners by (i) providing tasks suitable to the learner's needs,(ii) monitoring …

[PDF][PDF] WebWOZ: A Platform for Designing and Conducting Web-based Wizard of Oz Experiments

S Schlögl, S Luz, G Doherty - Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2013 …, 2013 -
Abstract The Wizard of Oz (WOZ) method has been used for a variety of purposes in early-
stage development of dialogue systems and language technology applications, from data …

[PDF][PDF] English to Indonesian Transliteration to Support English Pronunciation Practice.

A Zahra, J Carson-Berndsen - LREC, 2012 -
The work presented in this paper explores the use of Indonesian transliteration to support
English pronunciation practice. It is mainly aimed for Indonesian speakers who have no or …

[PDF][PDF] Caramilla-speech mediated language learning modules for refugee and high school learners of english and irish

E Gilmartin, J Kim, Y Zhao, NN Chiarain… - 7th ISCA Workshop …, 2017 -
In the development of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) modules there is a
growing emphasis on the use of evolving technological developments which include text-to …

[PDF][PDF] Managing Consistency in Wizard of Oz Studies: A Challenge of Prototyping Natural Language Interactions

S Schlögl, G Doherty, S Luz - … Workshop on Prototyping to Support the …, 2013 -
Wizard of OZ (WOZ) is a prototyping method that uses a human 'wizard'to mimic the
functions of a prospective system. Although the WOZ technique is widely used in HCI …

[PDF][PDF] Underspecification in pronunciation variation

M Kane, Z Ahmed… - Proc. Int. Symposium on …, 2012 -
This paper presents a technique whereby underspecification of phonetic units offers
additional robustness yielding an increase in performance in a pronunciation variation task; …

[PDF][PDF] SIIRI PÄRKSON Dialoogist dialoogsüsteemini: partneri algatatud parandused

I PÄ -
Väitekiri valmis tänu paljude organisatsioonide ja inimeste abile. Doktorantuuri ajal olen
saanud toetust Eesti Üliõpilaste Toetusfondilt USA-s, Eesti Infotehnoloogia Sihtasutuselt …

[PDF][PDF] Multimodal Interactive Language Learning Agent

N Campbell, J Cabral, E Kenny, E Gilmartin -
Learning a language involves the acquisition and integration of a range of skills. A human
tutor aids learners by● providing a framework of tasks suitable to the learner's needs● …