[PDF][PDF] Formation of texture inhomogeneity in severely plastically deformed copper

IV Alexandrow, MV Zhilina… - Bulletin of the Polish …, 2006 - journals.pan.pl
The development of the crystallographic texture in copper subjected to severe plastic
deformation (SPD) by means of high pressure torsion (HPT) and equal-channel angular …

Развитие кристаллографической текстуры и микроструктуры в железе, подвергнутом равноканальному угловому прессованию

ИМ Сафаров, ЕА Корзникова… - Вопросы …, 2007 - elibrary.ru
The submicrocrystalline (SMC) structures that develop in commercial purity iron during
equal-channel angular pressing have been investigated. It was shown that after four passes …


B DATE - 2002 - Ufa State Aviation Technical …