The AdS Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude

LF Alday, T Hansen - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We present a constructive method to compute the AdS Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude,
order by order in AdS curvature corrections. At k th order the answer takes the form of a …

AdS Virasoro-Shapiro from single-valued periods

LF Alday, T Hansen, JA Silva - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 - Springer
A bstract We determine the full 1/\(\sqrt {\uplambda}\) correction to the flat-space Wilson
coefficients which enter the AdS Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude in\(\mathcal {N}\)= 4 SYM …

Integrated correlators in = 4 SYM via SL(2, ℤ) spectral theory

H Paul, E Perlmutter, H Raj - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We perform a systematic study of integrated four-point functions of half-BPS
operators in four-dimensional\(\mathcal {N}\)= 4 super Yang-Mills theory with gauge group …

Integrated Correlators in Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory beyond Localization

A Brown, P Heslop, C Wen, H Xie - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
We study integrated correlators of four superconformal primaries O p with arbitrary charges p
in N= 4 super Yang-Mills theory. The⟨ O 2 O 2 O p O p⟩ integrated correlators can be …

Integrated correlators from integrability: Maldacena-Wilson line in = 4 SYM

A Cavaglià, N Gromov, J Julius, M Preti - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We present a systematic method for the derivation of a relation which connects the
correlation function of operators on the straight Maldacena-Wilson line with the integrability …

Exploring the quantum spectral curve for AdS3/CFT2

A Cavaglià, S Ekhammar, N Gromov… - Journal of High Energy …, 2023 - Springer
A bstract Despite the rich and fruitful history of the integrability approach to string theory on
the AdS 3× S 3× T 4 background, it has not been possible to extract many concrete …

AdS Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude with KK modes

G Fardelli, T Hansen, JA Silva - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We determine the first curvature correction for the string amplitude of two
supergravity states and two Kaluza-Klein modes on AdS 5× S 5, which is dual to the …

Fast QSC solver: tool for systematic study of = 4 Super-Yang-Mills spectrum

N Gromov, Á Hegedűs, J Julius, N Sokolova - Journal of High Energy …, 2024 - Springer
A bstract Integrability methods give us access to a number of observables in the
planar\(\mathcal {N}\)= 4 SYM. Among them, the Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC) governs the …

Level repulsion in = 4 super-Yang-Mills via integrability, holography, and the bootstrap

SM Chester, R Dempsey, SS Pufu - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024 - Springer
A bstract We combine supersymmetric localization with the numerical conformal bootstrap to
bound the scaling dimension and OPE coefficient of the lowest-dimension unprotected …

Numerical conformal bootstrap with analytic functionals and outer approximation

K Ghosh, Z Zheng - arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.11144, 2023 -
This paper explores the numerical conformal bootstrap in general spacetime dimensions
through the lens of a distinct category of analytic functionals, previously employed in two …