The structure of autobiographical memory and the event history calendar: Potential improvements in the quality of retrospective reports in surveys

RF Belli - Memory, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
This paper reviews the literature on the structure of autobiographical memory and points to
the use of event history calendars as a survey methodology that reflects this structure …

Consumer research: In search of identity

I Simonson, Z Carmon, R Dhar, A Drolet… - Annual review of …, 2001 -
▪ Abstract Although the consumer research field has made great progress over the past 30
years with respect to the scope, quality, and quantity of research, there are still significant …

[HTML][HTML] The influence of blockchain-based food traceability on retailer choice: The mediating role of trust

M Garaus, H Treiblmaier - Food control, 2021 - Elsevier
In the last decades, numerous food scandals have attracted policy makers' interest and
subsequently induced retailers to actively improve food safety. Blockchain technology allows …

[图书][B] International handbook of survey methodology

ED De Leeuw, J Hox, D Dillman - 2012 -
Taking into account both traditional and emerging modes, this comprehensive new
Handbook covers all major methodological and statistical issues in designing and analyzing …

How sustainability ratings might deter 'greenwashing': A closer look at ethical corporate communication

B Parguel, F Benoît-Moreau, F Larceneux - Journal of business ethics, 2011 - Springer
Of the many ethical corporate marketing practices, many firms use corporate social
responsibility (CSR) communication to enhance their corporate image. Yet, consumers …

[引用][C] The psychology of survey response

R Tourangeau - 2000 -
This valuable book examines the complex psychological processes involved in answering
different types of survey questions. Drawing on both classic and modern research from …

The negative effect of scarcity cues on consumer purchase decisions in the hospitality industry during the COVID-19 pandemic

Y Li, J Yao, J Chen - International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2021 - Elsevier
Existing literature shows a positive effect of demand-driven scarcity cues on consumer
purchase intentions. Hospitality businesses with high market demand tend to be preferred …

Self-reports: How the questions shape the answers.

N Schwarz - American psychologist, 1999 -
Self-reports of behaviors and attitudes are strongly influenced by features of the research
instrument, including question wording, format, and context. Recent research has addressed …

Asking questions about behavior: Cognition, communication, and questionnaire construction

N Schwarz, D Oyserman - The American Journal of Evaluation, 2001 - Elsevier
Evaluation researchers frequently obtain self-reports of behaviors, asking program
participants to report on process and outcome-relevant behaviors. Unfortunately, reporting …

Withholding consumption: A social dilemma perspective on consumer boycotts

S Sen, Z Gürhan-Canli, V Morwitz - Journal of Consumer …, 2001 -
This article draws on social dilemma theory and reference group theory to understand the
individual boycott decision and tests the predictions stemming from this conceptualization in …