A review of the mathematical models for predicting rotary desiccant wheel

TS Ge, Y Li, RZ Wang, YJ Dai - Renewable and Sustainable Energy …, 2008 - Elsevier
In the solid desiccant wheel air-conditioning system, the performance of the desiccant wheel
is critical to the capability, size and cost of the whole system. Constructing mathematical …

Energy requirements for conditioning fresh air and the long-term savings with a membrane-based energy recovery ventilator in Hong Kong

LZ Zhang, JL Niu - Energy, 2001 - Elsevier
A study of the energy requirements for conditioning ventilation air and the yearly
performance of a membrane-based energy recovery ventilator (MERV) in Hong Kong is …

Energy wheel effectiveness: part II—correlations

CJ Simonson, RW Besant - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1999 - Elsevier
Effectiveness correlations are presented which allow the designer to predict the sensible,
latent and total effectiveness of energy wheels when the operating conditions are known …

Analysis of heat and mass transfer in porous sorbents used in rotary regenerators

LA Sphaier, WM Worek - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2004 - Elsevier
A new dimensionless formulation, that locally accounts for heat conduction and mass
diffusion in solid sorbent materials occurring in either enthalpy exchangers or desiccant …

Practical thermal performance correlations for molecular sieve and silica gel loaded enthalpy wheels

JW Jeong, SA Mumma - Applied thermal engineering, 2005 - Elsevier
The central thrust of this research was to develop practical enthalpy wheel effectiveness
correlations useful for enthalpy wheel integrated systems design and analysis. In this …

Heat and mass transfer in a two-dimensional cross-flow regenerator with a solid conduction effect

JY San - International journal of heat and mass transfer, 1993 - Elsevier
An analysis of a two-dimensional cross-flow heat and mass regenerator with conductive
heat transfer is presented. The adsorbent is a regular density silica gel. Non-switched and …

Heat and moisture transfer in energy wheels during sorption, condensation, and frosting conditions

CJ Simonson, RW Besant - 1998 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
A numerical model for coupled heat and moisture transfer with sorption, condensation, and
frosting in rotary energy exchangers is presented and validated with experimental data. The …

A transient numerical model for sensible fixed-bed regenerator in HVAC applications

H Ramin, EN Krishnan, A Gurubalan, WO Alabi… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Fixed-bed regenerators (FBRs) are energy recovery exchangers that can significantly
reduce the energy required to condition outdoor ventilation air in HVAC systems. FBRs have …

Effectiveness of energy wheels from transient measurements. Part I: Prediction of effectiveness and uncertainty

OO Abe, CJ Simonson, RW Besant, W Shang - International Journal of Heat …, 2006 - Elsevier
An analytical model is presented for predicting the effectiveness of rotating air-to-air energy
wheels using only the characteristics measured on the same non-rotating wheels exposed …

Effect of axial solid heat conduction and mass diffusion in a rotary heat and mass regenerator

JY San, SC Hsiau - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1993 - Elsevier
This research analyzes the effect of axial heat conduction and mass diffusion on the
performance of a solid desiccant wheel. A one-dimensional transient heat and mass transfer …