An analytical review of XML association rules mining
M Moradi, MR Keyvanpour - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2015 - Springer
Over the past decade, there has been increasing interest in using extensible markup
language (XML) which has made it a de facto standard for representing and exchanging …
language (XML) which has made it a de facto standard for representing and exchanging …
Lyapunov stability analysis for nonlinear delay systems
F Mazenc, SI Niculescu - Systems & Control Letters, 2001 - Elsevier
Sufficient conditions ensuring that a nonlinear system with disturbances having a delay is
globally asymptotically stable independent of delay are given. The proof carried out relies …
globally asymptotically stable independent of delay are given. The proof carried out relies …
Sequentiality and strong stability
A Bucciarelli, T Ehrhard - … 1991 Sixth Annual IEEE Symposium on …, 1991 -
The XML data of continuous stream type are popular in network application through the
internet. And also there are researches related to query processing for streaming XML data …
internet. And also there are researches related to query processing for streaming XML data …
XML structural delta mining: Issues and challenges
Recently, there is an increasing research efforts in XML data mining. These research efforts
largely assumed that XML documents are static. However, in reality, the documents are …
largely assumed that XML documents are static. However, in reality, the documents are …
Extracting association rules from XML documents using XQuery
JWW Wan, G Dobbie - Proceedings of the 5th ACM international …, 2003 -
Data mining is generally considered the extraction and analysis of information from
databases. With the rapid growth of XML data available online, mining XML data from the …
databases. With the rapid growth of XML data available online, mining XML data from the …
Automated evaluation of web usability and accessibility by guideline review
J Vanderdonckt, A Beirekdar… - … Conference on Web …, 2004 - Springer
A novel approach is presented for automatically evaluating of the usability and accessibility
(U&A) of web sites by performing a static analysis of their HTML code against U&A …
(U&A) of web sites by performing a static analysis of their HTML code against U&A …
A new method for mining association rules from a collection of XML documents
J Paik, HY Youn, U Kim - … Conference on Computational Science and Its …, 2005 - Springer
With the sheer amount of data stored, presented and exchanged using XML nowadays, the
ability to extract interesting knowledge from XML data sources becomes increasingly …
ability to extract interesting knowledge from XML data sources becomes increasingly …
Discovering frequently changing structures from historical structural deltas of unordered XML
Recently, a large amount of work has been done in XML data mining. However, we
observed that most of the existing works focus on the snapshot XML data, while XML data is …
observed that most of the existing works focus on the snapshot XML data, while XML data is …
Model-driven Web usage analysis for the evaluation of Web application quality
So far, conceptual modeling of Web applications has been used primarily in the upper part
of the life cycle, as a driver for system analysis. Little attention has been put on exploiting the …
of the life cycle, as a driver for system analysis. Little attention has been put on exploiting the …
Semi-structured documents mining: A review and comparison
A Madani, O Boussaid, DE Zegour - Procedia Computer Science, 2013 - Elsevier
The number of semi-structured documents that is produced is steadily increasing. Thus, it
will be essential for discovering new knowledge from them. In this survey paper, we review …
will be essential for discovering new knowledge from them. In this survey paper, we review …