Kajian Yuridis Tindak Pidana Pencurian Dengan Pemberatan

B Bahtiar, M Natsir, H Balla - Jurnal Litigasi Amsir, 2023 - journalstih.amsir.ac.id
This research was conducted with the following objectives to find out the application of
material criminal law to the crime of theft by weighting in Decision Number: 263/Pid …

Efektivitas Visum Et Repertum pada Proses Penyidikan dalam Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan Berencana (Studi Putusan Nomor: 214/Pid. B/2019/PN. BNA)

KD Muniati - 2023 - repository.ar-raniry.ac.id
Pembunuhan berencana merupakan salah satu tindak pidana yang melanggar hukum
dengan ketentuan hukuman yang sangat berat. Pembuktian kasus tindak pidana …

Kedudukan Keterangan Ahli dalam Pembuktian Perkara Tindak Pidana oleh Pelaku yang Mengalami Skizofrenia Paranoid

B Mangkudilaga - Lex LATA, 2023 - journal.fh.unsri.ac.id
Keterangan Ahli dalam pembuktian perkara tindak Pidana oleh Pelaku yang mengalami
Skizofrenia Paranoid. Pada penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai Kedudukan …

Analisa Kedudukan Pemberian Keterangan Ahli Terhadap Proses Ilmu Forensik dan Tinjauannya Menurut Hukum Islam

A Aurelia, F Basbeth, F Arifandi - COMSERVA …, 2023 - comserva.publikasiindonesia.id
Forensic science is needed in the trial process, one of which is to assist judges in knowing a
fact. The implementation of upholding justice requires expert information relating to legal …

Implementasi Barang Bukti Petunjuk Oleh Hakim dalam Menjatuhkan Putusan Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan

N Sulistiyono, FW Perdana, I Irwan… - Jurnal Indonesia …, 2022 - jiss.publikasiindonesia.id
Indonesia is a legal state where all forms of citizen actions have legal consequences. Public
law in Indonesia consists of criminal law and civil law. One of the criminal laws is murder. In …

Analisis Hukum Kekuatan Pembuktian Ahli Forensik dalam Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan Berat

R Siregar, R Krisna - Innovative: Journal Of Social Science …, 2023 - j-innovative.org
Suatu tindak pidana, pembuktian merupakan masalah yang memegang peranan penting
dalam proses pemeriksaan sidang pengadilan. Dengan pembuktian inilah ditentukan nasib …


SP Maharani, FW Marpaung… - JOURNAL OF SCIENCE …, 2023 - jurnal.goretanpena.com
Proof is very important in revealing a truth in a criminal court. Proof is the main stage in
determining the criminal trial process considering that at this stage of proof it will be …

Juridical Analysis on the Possibility of Traffic Accident Victim Being Designated as Suspect

E Effendi, SY Ardianto… - Al-Risalah: Forum …, 2023 - shariajournals-uinjambi.ac.id
The fundamental aim of criminal law is to shield society from potential victimization, allowing
for the prosecution of wrongdoers, including the offenders engaged in negligent acts. This …

Sexual Intercourse with a Corpse as a Crime Against Society and the Urgency of Its Regulation in the New Penal Code

E Effendi, R Yulia, H Susanti - Kosmik Hukum, 2024 - jurnalnasional.ump.ac.id
Murder in criminal law has been regulated in detail, but the actions after murder have not
been regulated in such a way. So that the perpetrator is only charged with murder when …

Analisis Hukum Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak Terhadap Kasus Kekerasan dan Pembunuhan Kepada Perempuan dan Anak di Indonesia

AA Nurhakim - Verdict: Journal of Law Science, 2024 - ojs.wahanapublikasi.com
The fact is that now in social life, both individuals and groups, there are often deviations from
the norms of social life, especially what are called legal norms. The increase in criminal …