Forensic trace DNA: a review

RAH Van Oorschot, KN Ballantyne, RJ Mitchell - Investigative genetics, 2010 - Springer
DNA analysis is frequently used to acquire information from biological material to aid
enquiries associated with criminal offences, disaster victim identification and missing …

The new science of metagenomics: revealing the secrets of our microbial planet

National Research Council, Division on Earth… - 2007 -
Although we can't usually see them, microbes are essential for every part of human life-
indeed all life on Earth. The emerging field of metagenomics offers a new way of exploring …

Sequencing genomes from single cells by polymerase cloning

K Zhang, AC Martiny, NB Reppas, KW Barry… - Nature …, 2006 -
Genome sequencing currently requires DNA from pools of numerous nearly identical cells
(clones), leaving the genome sequences of many difficult-to-culture microorganisms …

Whole-genome multiple displacement amplification from single cells

C Spits, C Le Caignec, M De Rycke, L Van Haute… - Nature protocols, 2006 -
Multiple displacement amplification (MDA) is a recently described method of whole-genome
amplification (WGA) that has proven efficient in the amplification of small amounts of DNA …

Matching phylogeny and metabolism in the uncultured marine bacteria, one cell at a time

R Stepanauskas, ME Sieracki - Proceedings of the National …, 2007 - National Acad Sciences
The identification of predominant microbial taxa with specific metabolic capabilities remains
one the biggest challenges in environmental microbiology, because of the limits of current …

Proof of principle and first cases using preimplantation genetic haplotyping–a paradigm shift for embryo diagnosis

PJ Renwick, J Trussler, E Ostad-Saffari… - Reproductive …, 2006 - Elsevier
Preimplantation genetic haplotyping (PGH) proof-of-principle was demonstrated by multiple
displacement amplification (MDA) of single buccal cells from a female donor and genotyping …

Optimization and evaluation of single‐cell whole‐genome multiple displacement amplification

C Spits, C Le Caignec, M De Rycke… - Human …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
The scarcity of genomic DNA can be a limiting factor in some fields of genetic research. One
of the methods developed to overcome this difficulty is whole genome amplification (WGA) …

[HTML][HTML] 24-chromosome copy number analysis: a comparison of available technologies

AH Handyside - Fertility and sterility, 2013 - Elsevier
Chromosome aneuploidy, an abnormal number of chromosomes, in human gametes and
embryos is a major cause of IVF failure and miscarriage and can result in affected live births …

Interfacial photochemistry at the ocean surface is a global source of organic vapors and aerosols

M Brüggemann, N Hayeck, C George - Nature communications, 2018 -
The surface of the oceans acts as a global sink and source for trace gases and aerosol
particles. Recent studies suggest that photochemical reactions at this air/water interface …

Single-cell chromosomal imbalances detection by array CGH

C Le Caignec, C Spits, K Sermon… - Nucleic acids …, 2006 -
Genomic imbalances are a major cause of constitutional and acquired disorders. Therefore,
aneuploidy screening has become the cornerstone of preimplantation, prenatal and …