The effect of internal control of raw material inventory and production process planning towards the production process and business competitiveness in halal food …
The increasing variety of types of food circulating in Bekasi, has both positive and negative
impacts at the same time. The positive impact is the increasing variety of food choices …
impacts at the same time. The positive impact is the increasing variety of food choices …
[PDF][PDF] Good Governance University; Strategic Management Application Based on ISO 21001: 2018
This study aims to analyze the implementation of strategic management based on ISO
21001-2018 in realizing superior Islamic boarding school-based university governance. This …
21001-2018 in realizing superior Islamic boarding school-based university governance. This …
Pengaruh Marketing Mix Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Mujigae Resto Bekasi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah marketing mix berpengaruh pada
kepuasan konsumen mujigae resto, apakah kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh pada …
kepuasan konsumen mujigae resto, apakah kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh pada …
The relationship between Supply Chain Management and Environmental Sustainability: The mediating role of eco culinary product
Betawi Ora is an indigenous tribe that lives in Bekasi which is a region of West Java. In terms
of cultural distribution, Betawi itself is a tribe originating from Jakarta, but geographically it …
of cultural distribution, Betawi itself is a tribe originating from Jakarta, but geographically it …
Optimization of the Ahp Method in Determining the Location of Touristdestinations on the Island of Java, Indonesia
Purpose: This study aims to map the pattern of tourist preferences in visiting tourist
destinations on the island of Java Theoretical framework: This research tries to make a …
destinations on the island of Java Theoretical framework: This research tries to make a …
Exploring Conventional Models of Purchase Intention:“Betawi Ora” Restourants in Bekasi
Purpose: This research are to determine the effect ofDining Atmosphere on Customer
Satisfaction, the effect of Food Quality on Customer Satisfaction and the effect of Dining …
Satisfaction, the effect of Food Quality on Customer Satisfaction and the effect of Dining …
Legal protection for consumers against illegal cosmetic products
In recent years, there has been a lot of news in several electronic media about the sale of
illegal products both directly and online in the health sector, especially cosmetic products …
illegal products both directly and online in the health sector, especially cosmetic products …
Optimalisasi Produksi Kuliner Berbahan Dasar Mangrove Dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing Usaha Di Kabupaten Muara Gembong
B Satria, TS Perdhana - Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah, 2023 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan
antara pengendalian persediaan bahan baku terhadap Proses Produksi, mengetahui …
antara pengendalian persediaan bahan baku terhadap Proses Produksi, mengetahui …
[PDF][PDF] Development Of Marine Eco-Tourism On Onrust Island, Jakarta
DT Untari, H Devi - Asia Pacific Journal of Business Economics and …, 2022 -
Onrust Island is one of the ecotourism destinations based on tangiable heritage, which has a
fairly high historical value. In its current management, Onrust Island has not maximized the …
fairly high historical value. In its current management, Onrust Island has not maximized the …
Rewards, Punishments, and Their Implications for Improving The Performance of Educators in Islamic Boarding Schools
H Sa'diyah, W Jamaluddin, Y Hasan - MANAGERE: Indonesian Journal …, 2022 -
This study aims to analyze rewards, punishments, and their implications for improving the
performance of educators at Darul Huffaz Islamic Boarding School Pesawaran-Lampung …
performance of educators at Darul Huffaz Islamic Boarding School Pesawaran-Lampung …