On the orientation of Roman towns in Italy
G Magli - Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Several Roman writers report on the existence of a town foundation ritual, inherited from the
Etruscans, which allegedly included astronomical references. However, the possible …
Etruscans, which allegedly included astronomical references. However, the possible …
[图书][B] Orientaciones astronómicas en la arquitectura maya de las tierras bajas, sustentadas con información de tipo etnográfico, histórico e conográfico
PFS Nava, I Šprajc - 2018 - books.google.com
Figura 1. Distribución de frecuencias de los azimuts norte-sur y esteoeste de todas las
orientaciones medidas. Figura 2. Distribución de frecuencias de las declinaciones norte y …
orientaciones medidas. Figura 2. Distribución de frecuencias de las declinaciones norte y …
Arquitecturas simbólicas orientadas astronómicamente durante el Neolítico Final, el Calcolítico y la Edad del Bronce en el sur de la Meseta
LB de Lugo Enrich, C Esteban - SPAL-Revista de …, 2018 - revistascientificas.us.es
Este trabajo presenta los resultados arqueoastronómicos de un proyecto interdisciplinar
que estudia yacimientos de La Mancha fechados durante la Prehistoria Reciente. El centro …
que estudia yacimientos de La Mancha fechados durante la Prehistoria Reciente. El centro …
What Equinox?
JA Belmonte - Advancing cultural astronomy: Studies in honour of …, 2021 - Springer
Equinox, what a controversial concept! Since the dawn of archaeoastronomy this has
arguably been the most problematic concept—perhaps together with the lunar standstills or …
arguably been the most problematic concept—perhaps together with the lunar standstills or …
Exploring archaeoastronomy: A history of its relationship with archaeology and esotericism
L Henty - 2022 - torrossa.com
Figure 24. Looking from the centre of Stonehenge towards the west. 152 Figure 25. At the
Newgrange passage tomb the standing stone GC-1 casts a moving shadow over the highly …
Newgrange passage tomb the standing stone GC-1 casts a moving shadow over the highly …
Archaeoastronomy: A Sustainable Way to Grasp the Skylore of Past Societies
AC González-García, JA Belmonte - Sustainability, 2019 - mdpi.com
If astronomy can be understood as the contemplation of the sky for any given purpose, we
must realize that possibly all societies throughout time and in all regions have watched the …
must realize that possibly all societies throughout time and in all regions have watched the …
[PDF][PDF] De la arqueoastronomía a la astronomía cultural
JAB Avilés - Boletín de la SEA, 2006 - academia.edu
In this review paper, a new and sharp approach to archaeoastronomy is presented. This is a
very interesting but controversial discipline which serves as an auxiliary subject to social …
very interesting but controversial discipline which serves as an auxiliary subject to social …
[图书][B] El ritual del sacrificio de animales en la cultura ibérica: una perspectiva arqueológica
A Cabrera Díez - 2010 - docta.ucm.es
“Puedo llevarme mi oveja, Ah, era eso, Sí, era sólo eso, puedo, No, Por qué, Porque la vas a
sacrificar como prenda de la alianza que acabo de establecer contigo, Esta oveja, Sí, Te …
sacrificar como prenda de la alianza que acabo de establecer contigo, Esta oveja, Sí, Te …
Archaeoastronomy in Bronze Age sites of La Mancha (Spain)
C Esteban, L Benítez de Lugo Enrich - 2016 - docta.ucm.es
We present archaeoastronomical results of an interdisciplinary project to study Bronze Age
sites of the socalled Cultura de las Motillas in the Spanish region of La Mancha. We find that …
sites of the socalled Cultura de las Motillas in the Spanish region of La Mancha. We find that …
Domesticating light and shadows in the neolithic: the dombate passage grave (A Coruña, Spain)
AC González-García, B Vilas-Estévez… - Cambridge …, 2019 - cambridge.org
Research on the Neolithic monuments and dwellings of Atlantic Europe has shown that
plays of light and colour were tools for the social and symbolic construction of the world. The …
plays of light and colour were tools for the social and symbolic construction of the world. The …