[图书][B] Meraih Prestasi Belajar dengan Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Tinjauan Sekolah Islam Di Jakarta

S Assegaf - 2020 - books.google.com
Sekolah Dasar (SD) Azhari Islamic School (AIS) Lebak Bulus dapat meningkatkan prestasi
belajar siswa dengan pengelolaan program tahfizh. Prestasi belajar siswa dapat …

[PDF][PDF] Correlation between Students' Ability to Memorize the Qur'an and Students' Learning Achievement at Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia Novebri Faculty of …

S Dewi - Khalifa: Journal of Islamic Education, 2020 - core.ac.uk
This study aims to investigate the correlation between students' ability to memorize the
Qur'an and students' learning achievement in the subject of al-Quran and hadiths. To …

[PDF][PDF] Motivations and Forms of Students Activities to Memorizing the Quran: A Case Study of the Rumah Qur'an Tarqiyah

RA Rahman, AF Oktavieni, YF Rilanda… - Khalifa: Journal of …, 2018 - academia.edu
How glorious it is to be a memorizer of the Quran because it is placed by Allah SWT in a
glorious place and can practice the Quran in daily life, but if it is not based on a strong …

Pengaruh Penggunaan Strategi TasmiTerhadap Kualitas Hafalan Al-Quran Siswa Di MTs Madinatussalam Medan

MYY Putra, W Masitah - Al-Ulum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2024 - ejurnalilmiah.com
The aim of this research is to determine the quality of students' memorization of the Al-Quran
and the influence of the tasmimethod on the quality of memorization. The method used in …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis Of The Online Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Program In Improving Islamic Education Learning Outcomes

A Kamil, T Nur, A Darmiyanti - Endless: International Journal Of … - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the tahfidz Al-Qur'an
program and student achievement in Islamic religious education topics. The issue is …

Upaya penerapan pembelajaran al-qur'an metode tilawati di minu maudlu'ul ulum purwantoro kecamatan blimbing kota malang

N Khausumah - 2020 - repository.unisma.ac.id
Madrasah MINU maudlu'ul ulum purwantoro kecamatan blimbing kota malang menerapkan
pembelajaran al-qur'an metode tilawati di MINU dengan permasalahan yang ada pada …

Menghafal Quran dan Prestasi Belajar: studi kasus di Sekolah Dasar (SD) Azhari Islamic School (AIS) Lebak Bulus Jakarta Selatan

S Assegaf - repository.uinjkt.ac.id
Sekolah Dasar (SD) Azhari Islamic School (AIS) Lebak Bulus dapat meningkatkan prestasi
belajar siswa dengan pengelolaan program tahfizh. Prestasi belajar siswa dapat …