An in-depth analysis of the slingshot interconnect

D De Sensi, S Di Girolamo… - … Conference for High …, 2020 -
The interconnect is one of the most critical components in large scale computing systems,
and its impact on the performance of applications is going to increase with the system size …

KNEM: A generic and scalable kernel-assisted intra-node MPI communication framework

B Goglin, S Moreaud - Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2013 - Elsevier
The multiplication of cores in today's architectures raises the importance of intra-node
communication in modern clusters and their impact on the overall parallel application …

Kernel-assisted mpi collective communication among many-core clusters

T Ma - 2012 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on …, 2012 -
Architectural hierarchies and hardware complexity brought by multicore or many-core
Clusters, greatly challenge MPI applications' performance in two ways: performance …

[PDF][PDF] Brice Goglin

É projet commune Runtime -
Le calcul haute performance (HPC) est désormais partout. Le grand public l'ignore encore
souvent, mais la plupart des industries modernes utilise la simulation numérique pour …

Vers des mécanismes génériques de communication et une meilleure maîtrise des affinités dans les grappes de calculateurs hiérarchiques

B Goglin - 2014 -
Avec l'utilisation de plus en plus répandue de la simulation numérique dans de nombreuses
branches de l'industrie, le calcul haute performance devient essentiel à la société. Si les …

Shared memory optimizations for distributed memory programming models

A Friedley - 2013 -
In the world of parallel programming, there are two major classes of programming models:
shared memory and distributed memory. Shared memory models share all memory by …