Pemberian pupuk kotoran ayam dalam upaya rehabilitasi tanah ultisol desa janji yang terdegradasi
W Hilwa, DE Harahap… - Agrica …, 2020 -
Kotoran ayam merupakan bahan organik yang banyak digunakan sebagai pupuk organik
yang memberikan pengaruh terhadap ketersediaan unsur hara dan memperbaiki struktur …
yang memberikan pengaruh terhadap ketersediaan unsur hara dan memperbaiki struktur …
Pengaruh aplikasi tandan kosong kelapa sawit dan arang sekam padi terhadap beberapa sifat kimia tanah pada tomat
The oil palm empty fruit bunches are solid waste produced from the processing of oil palms
which have a large amount of potential to be used as compost and are expected to improve …
which have a large amount of potential to be used as compost and are expected to improve …
Chemical characteristics of inceptisol soil with urea and goat manure fertilizer
FS Harahap, R Oesman, W Fadhillah… - Jurnal Agronomi …, 2021 -
The application of organic fertilizers can improve soil fertility specifically on Inceptisol soils
which are quite extensive but have problems with relatively low nitrogen nutrients so that the …
which are quite extensive but have problems with relatively low nitrogen nutrients so that the …
Pemetaan status pH tanah dan c-organik tanah sawah tadah hujan di Kecamatan Panai Tengah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu
The production center for lowland rice in Labuhanbatu Regency in the last three years,
precisely in Panai Tengah District, North Sumatra Province, has decreased production since …
precisely in Panai Tengah District, North Sumatra Province, has decreased production since …
Evaluasi status hara bahan organik terhadap sifat kimia tanah di lahan miring kelapa sawit
This study aims to identify the fertility variable that is an obstacle in Bilah Hulu Subdistrict,
Labuhanbatu Regency by evaluating the status of soil fertility and assessing alternative …
Labuhanbatu Regency by evaluating the status of soil fertility and assessing alternative …
Supply liquid organic fertilizer NASA and rice husk ash to the chemical properties of the soil on the tomato plant
FS Harahap, O Roswita, A Iman - International Journal of …, 2020 -
Efforts to improve tomato production can be done with the use of organic fertilizers derived
from agricultural waste, manure, green manure, manure-human waste, and compost as a …
from agricultural waste, manure, green manure, manure-human waste, and compost as a …
Aplikasi Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Dan Kcl Untuk Meningkatkan Karakteristik Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum. L)
TA Atikah, M Muliansyah, S Rohmad… - Jurnal Agrotek …, 2023 -
Tanaman bawang merah merupakan jenis tanaman berumbi sebagai bumbu pencampur
berbagai macam masakan Asia dan dunia. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan daya beli …
berbagai macam masakan Asia dan dunia. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan daya beli …
Characteristics of chemical properties of oil palm soil at plant age in different areas of land
FS Harahap, YR Fitra - Jurnal Online PERTANIAN TROPIK, 2020 -
This study aims to identify the fertility variable that is an obstacle in Bilah Hulu Subdistrict,
Labuhanbatu Regency by evaluating the status of soil fertility and assessing alternative …
Labuhanbatu Regency by evaluating the status of soil fertility and assessing alternative …
Respon Produktivitas Padi Sawah Dengan Pemberian Kompos Sampah Kota Di Desa Aras Kabu
Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan dosis kompos sampah kota yang terbaik sehingga
dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi padi di Desa Aras Kabu Kecamatan …
dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi padi di Desa Aras Kabu Kecamatan …
Perbaikan Sifat Kimia Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat TM-1 Dengan Pemberian Kombinasi Pupuk Anorganik-Organik dan Asystasia gangetica (L.) T …
Y Asbur, RJ Pulungan… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023 -
Currently, the area of smallholder oil palm plantations in Indonesia reaches 41.44% and
is wider than state-owned oil palm plantations which are only 3.87%. However, the role of …
is wider than state-owned oil palm plantations which are only 3.87%. However, the role of …