Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Turnover Intention Pada Karyawan (Literature Review Manajemen Kinerja)

A Fauzi, AS Wulandari, DR Cahyani… - Jurnal Ilmu …, 2022 -
Tingkat atau frekuensi karyawan meninggalkan pekerjaan mereka karena berbagai alasan,
termasuk keinginan untuk posisi yang sangat bagus, dikenal dengan turnover intention …

Pengaruh Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan:(Kasus pada PT. Semen Bosowa Maros)

H Gunawan - BJRM (Bongaya Journal of Research in …, 2018 -
Humans will tend to experience stress if they are less able to adjust between the desire and
the reality, both the reality inside and outside themselves. One of the effects of psychological …

Psychological climate: conditioning for student organizational disease

Y Yunefri, H Filtri, S Wahyuni, LO Liza - Journal of Public Health, 2023 -
Dear Editor, In an article published in the Journal of Public Health, there is a new issue
about how universities prohibit students from effective leadership that must include personal …

Knowledge-sharing behavior among banking officers in Indonesia

MR Abdillah, CT Lin, R Anita, B Suroto - Journal of International …, 2018 -
Knowledge-sharing behavior has been a hot issue in knowledge management. In the
context of highly dynamic business, understanding the factors that encourage a knowledge …

[PDF][PDF] Work climate and employee performances: a literature observation

J Permatasari, I Ratnawati - … Research Journal of …, 2021 -
This article mainly discusses the relationship between work climate and employee
performance. Research on the relationship between work climate and employee …

Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Stres Kerja Perawat Pelaksana Di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Umum Bethesda Gmim Tomohon

B Budiyanto, AJM Rattu, JML Umboh - Kesmas, 2019 -
Saat ini stres kerja merupakan isu global yang berpengaruh pada seluruh profesi dan
pekerja di negara maju maupun berkembang. Stres kerja dapat berdampak pada individu …

Locus of Control, Penerimaan Auditor atas Dysfunctional Audit Behavior dan Intention to Quit

R Anita, ST Nanda, R Zenita… - … Dinamika Akuntansi Dan …, 2018 -
This study aims to examine personal characteristics of auditor acceptance of dysfunctional
audit behavior. More specifically, it aims to investigate locus of control on intention to quit …

Authentic leadership and internal whistleblowing intention: The mediating role of psychological safety

R Anugerah, MR Abdillah, R Anita - Journal of Financial Crime, 2019 -
Purpose This study aims to investigate the effect of authentic leadership on internal
whistleblowing intention through psychological safety. Design/methodology/approach To …

Kecerdasan Emosional dan Dampaknya Terhadap Stres Kerja dan Kinerja Karyawan

MR Abdillah, ADI Rahmat - Jurnal JEBI, 2017 -
The theme of the article is" economy based on the principles of Islam". The studies that
prove and explain the mediation role of job stress in the influence of emotional intelligence …

[PDF][PDF] Teacher empowerment strategy in improving the quality of education

M Yunus, S Sukarno, KI Rosadi - … Journal of Social Science and Human …, 2021 -
The quality of education is an important requirement in preparing superior human resources.
However, in reality, the implementation of education has not been able to produce quality …