Look busy do nothing: does professional isolation and psychological strain of overqualified employee leads to goldbricking behaviour?

J Khan, Q Zhang, AA Salameh - Career Development International, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Drawing on person-job fit theory, this study examined the link between perceived
overqualification (POQ), professional isolation, psychological strain and goldbricking …

Impact of social media addiction on work engagement and job performance

M Ibrahim, Y Yusra, NU Shah - Polish Journal of Management …, 2022 - pjms.zim.pcz.pl
The present study aims to examine the impact of addictive use of social media on work
engagement and job performance, the mediation effect of work engagement between social …

Problematic internet use and safety behavior: The moderating role of safety climate

F Ghasemi, H Aghaei, A Nikravesh - PLoS One, 2022 - journals.plos.org
Problematic internet use (PIU) can cause mental and physical harm to individuals and may
be an emerging factor contributing to unsafe work behavior. In this study, the relationship …

Exploring the relationship between cyberloafing and innovativeness among nurses in research hospitals: a cross-sectional study in Turkey

S Aciksoz, M Sendir, NY Atar, N Simsekoglu… - BMC nursing, 2024 - Springer
Background Although cyberloafing, which refers to employees' use of the internet for private
purposes outside of work, is seen as a negative behavior; Positive effects on areas such as …

Cyberloafing Behaviors in Students' Learning Process: EFL Teachers' Efforts to Create Productive Learning Environment

D Kusumastuti, I Saputra - Journal of Language and …, 2024 - journal-center.litpam.com
The phenomenon of cyberloafing, where individuals engage in non-work-related online
activities during productive hours, has become increasingly prevalent, particularly among …

Employees' Cyber Loafing And Performance In The Telecom Sector Of Pakistan: The Mediating Role Of Psychological Well-Being And The Moderating Role Of …

A Khan - Journal of Positive School Psychology, 2023 - journalppw.com
The internet is frequently used in the telecom sector to streamline internal processes and
offer real-time services. Conversely, employees in the telecommunications sector are …

Pengaruh Stres Kerja dan Perilaku Cyberloafing terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

A Damayanti - 2022 - digilib.unila.ac.id
KINERJA KARYAWAN Oleh ALFINA DAMAYANTI Stres kerja dan perilaku cyberloafing …

Investigating the Role of Psychological Capital in Academic Procrastination and Adjustment among Chinese University Students

F Xiao - American Journal of Health Behavior, 2024 - ingentaconnect.com
Objectives: A close inter-connectivity of students with the virtual world through the Internet
has been perceived as a major source of potential harm to students' academic life and …


H Hoşgör, F Coşkun, S Cin… - … Sağlık Yönetimi ve …, 2021 - dergipark.org.tr
Bu çalışmada hemşirelerin sanal kaytarma davranışları ve hizmet verme yatkınlığı
arasındaki ilişki ve etkileri incelenmiştir. İstanbul'daki bir eğitim ve araştırma hastanesinde …

Efek Mediasi Komitmen Organisasi Atas Pengaruh Cyberloafing Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

EK Putri - Media Akuntansi dan Perpajakan Indonesia, 2022 - journal.uc.ac.id
This study aims to examine the analysis of cyberloafing behavior on employee performance
mediated by organizational commitment. This type of research is quantitative with …