GetDist: a Python package for analysing Monte Carlo samples
A Lewis - arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.13970, 2019 -
Monte Carlo techniques, including MCMC and other methods, are widely used and generate
sets of samples from a parameter space of interest that can be used to infer or plot quantities …
sets of samples from a parameter space of interest that can be used to infer or plot quantities …
[图书][B] Nonlinear time series: nonparametric and parametric methods
Amongmanyexcitingdevelopmentsinstatistic…, nonlineartimeseriesanddata-
analyticnonparametricmethodshavegreatly advanced along seemingly unrelated paths. In …
analyticnonparametricmethodshavegreatly advanced along seemingly unrelated paths. In …
[图书][B] Resampling methods for dependent data
SN Lahiri - 2013 -
This is a book on bootstrap and related resampling methods for temporal and spatial data
exhibiting various forms of dependence. Like the resam pling methods for independent data …
exhibiting various forms of dependence. Like the resam pling methods for independent data …
[图书][B] Advanced Markov chain Monte Carlo methods: learning from past samples
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are now an indispensable tool in scientific
computing. This book discusses recent developments of MCMC methods with an emphasis …
computing. This book discusses recent developments of MCMC methods with an emphasis …
Kernel density estimators of home range: smoothing and the autocorrelation red herring
J Fieberg - Ecology, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Two oft‐cited drawbacks of kernel density estimators (KDEs) of home range are their
sensitivity to the choice of smoothing parameter (s) and their need for independent data …
sensitivity to the choice of smoothing parameter (s) and their need for independent data …
What is the proper method to delineate home range of an animal using today's advanced GPS telemetry systems: the initial step
The formal concept of an animal's home range, or derivations thereof, has been around for
over half a century (Burt 1943). Within this time frame there have been countless published …
over half a century (Burt 1943). Within this time frame there have been countless published …
[图书][B] Nonparametric analysis of univariate heavy-tailed data: research and practice
N Markovich - 2008 -
Heavy-tailed distributions are typical for phenomena in complex multi-component systems
such as biometry, economics, ecological systems, sociology, web access statistics, internet …
such as biometry, economics, ecological systems, sociology, web access statistics, internet …
[图书][B] Inference and prediction in large dimensions
D Bosq, D Blanke - 2008 -
This book offers a predominantly theoretical coverage of statistical prediction, with some
potential applications discussed, when data and/or parameters belong to a large or infinite …
potential applications discussed, when data and/or parameters belong to a large or infinite …
Predictive inference based on Markov chain Monte Carlo output
In Bayesian inference, predictive distributions are typically in the form of samples generated
via Markov chain Monte Carlo or related algorithms. In this paper, we conduct a systematic …
via Markov chain Monte Carlo or related algorithms. In this paper, we conduct a systematic …