Subsonic jet aeroacoustics: associating experiment, modelling and simulation

P Jordan, Y Gervais - Experiments in Fluids, 2008 - Springer
An overview of jet noise research is presented wherein the principal movements in the field
are traced since its beginnings. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of our …

The near pressure field of co-axial subsonic jets

CE Tinney, P Jordan - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2008 -
Results are presented from pressure measurements performed in the irrotational near field
of unbounded co-axial jets. Measurements were made for a variety of velocity and …

Downstream evolution of the most energetic modes in a turbulent axisymmetric jet at high Reynolds number. Part 2. The far-field region

S Gamard, D Jung, WK George - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2004 -
The evolution of the most energetic features in the far-field region of a turbulent axisymmetric
jet are investigated by applying the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to the double …

Application of a “slice” proper orthogonal decomposition to the far field of an axisymmetric turbulent jet

S Gamard, WK George, D Jung, S Woodward - Physics of Fluids, 2002 -
Earlier experiments on turbulent jets (Crow and Champagne, 1 Brown and Roshko2) made
clear that large structures dominated the physics of the axisymmetric jet. Although no clear …

Two-point similarity in the round jet

D Ewing, B Frohnapfel, WK George… - Journal of Fluid …, 2007 -
The governing equations for the two-point velocity correlations in the far field of the
axisymmetric jet are examined and it is shown that these equations can have equilibrium …

Adaptation of the azimuthal decomposition technique to jet noise measurements in full-scale tests

GA Faranosov, IV Belyaev, VF Kopiev, MY Zaytsev… - AIAA Journal, 2017 -
To develop jet noise-reduction concepts, it is necessary to understand the physics
underlying the noise-generation process. Decomposition of the sound field into azimuthal …

Vortex ring input in subsonic jet noise

VF Kopiev, MY Zaitsev… - International …, 2007 -
The main goal of the paper is to assess the contribution of large-scale vortices to the noise of
the subsonic turbulent jet (M= 0.35, Re= 3.2· 105) in the selected frequency bands (Sh∼ 0.2 …

Development of the strategy of active control of instability waves in unexcited turbulent jets

IV Belyaev, OP Bychkov, MY Zaitsev, VA Kopiev… - Fluid Dynamics, 2018 - Springer
The possibility of controlling instability waves in the mixing layer of a subsonic unexcited jet
is studied. These waves can be noise sources in both free jets and jets as parts of …

Simulation of azimuthal characteristics of turbulent jet noise by correlation model of quadrupole noise sources

VF Kopiev, SA Chernyshev - International Journal of …, 2014 -
In the modeling of the noise sources in turbulent jets two open questions are still remain.
The first, what is the multipole type of the sources? The second, what kind of stochastic fields …

Two approaches to modeling the noise of low-speed subsonic jets

OP Bychkov, MY Zaytsev, VF Kopiev, GA Faranosov… - Doklady Physics, 2022 - Springer
The results of a detailed study of the structure of the sound field of a subsonic turbulent jet
are presented. The experimental data obtained by the azimuthal decomposition technique …