[HTML][HTML] Modelling the impact on mortality of using portable air purifiers to reduce PM2. 5 in UK homes

E Cooper, J Milner, Y Wang, S Stamp… - Atmospheric Environment, 2022 - Elsevier
This work assessed the potential impact on mortality and life expectancy that would occur
due to reductions of indoor PM 2.5 in dwellings in the UK using portable air purifiers …

Why do people use portable air purifiers? Evidence from occupant surveys and air quality monitoring in homes in three European cities

E Cooper, Y Wang, S Stamp, T Nijsen… - Building Research & …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
One of the most widely available technologies to clean the air in homes of particulate matter
of less than 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2. 5), known to have negative health impacts, are …

Effectiveness of residential wood-burning regulation on decreasing particulate matter levels and hospitalizations in the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin

PS Yap, C Garcia - American journal of public health, 2015 - ajph.aphapublications.org
Objectives. We examined the impact of Rule 4901, aimed at reducing residential wood
burning, on particulate matter levels and hospitalizations in the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin …

Use of portable air purifiers, occupant behaviour, and indoor air quality in homes in three European cities

E Cooper, Y Wang, S Stamp… - Building Health and …, 2024 - taylorfrancis.com
One of the most widely available technologies to clean the air in homes of particulate matter
of less than 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2. 5) is portable home air purifier (HAP). This chapter …

[引用][C] Wpływ wybranego oczyszczacza powietrza na jakość powietrza wewnętrznego w budynkach jednorodzinnych-studium przypadku

K Lisik, R Cichowicz - Ciepłownictwo, Ogrzewnictwo, Wentylacja, 2023