[PDF][PDF] Optimization of information and communication transport systems protection tasks

V Lakhno, S Tsiutsiura, Y Ryndych, A Blozva… - International Journal of …, 2019 - academia.edu
ABSTRACT A modified algorithm for estimating the limits of the dual problem solution with
the branching order determination for solving the tasks of providing cyber security and …

[PDF][PDF] A model and algorithm for detecting spyware in medical information systems

V Lakhno, D Kasatkin, V Kozlovskyi… - International Journal of …, 2019 - academia.edu
The article outlines extensions to the model and algorithm of spyware detection procedures
which, in particular, presents a potential threat to medical information systems. The …

Model of indicator of current risk of threats realization on the information communication system of transport

V Lakhno, V Matiievskyi, О Kryvoruchko, H Mohylnyi… - 2019 - dspace.luguniv.edu.ua
The paper proposed a model for estimating the quantitative indicator of current risks of
threats and cyberattacks realization on information communication systems of transport …

Model to Optimize the Management of Strategic Projects Using Genetic Algorithms in a Public Organization

R Romero Izurieta, SM Toapanta Toapanta… - Information, 2022 - mdpi.com
Public organizations lack adequate models and methods to efficiently support and manage
processes related to information security and IT investments. The objective is to optimize the …

Model to Optimize the Management of Strategic Projects Using Genetic Algorithms in a Public Organization

RR Izurieta, SMT Toapanta, LJC Morales… - …, 2022 - search.proquest.com
Public organizations lack adequate models and methods to efficiently support and manage
processes related to information security and IT investments. The objective is to optimize the …

The Development of a Model of the Formation of Cybersecurity Outlines Based on Multi Criteria Optimization and Game Theory

VA Lakhno, DY Kasatkin, AI Blozva… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 - Springer
The models based on game theory which enable to solve the problems of synthesis of
information security outlines for information and communication systems (ICS) have been …

[PDF][PDF] Model of mutual investment in smart city with costs for obtaining data by second investor

B Akhmetov, V Lakhno, V Malyukov… - Int. J. Mech. Eng …, 2019 - academia.edu
There is proposed a detailed model for a decision support system for investment in SMART
CITY technologies. The model is distinguished by the assumption that the first investor does …

Model of cybersecurity means financing with the procedure of additional data obtaining by the protection side

V Lakhno, V Malyukov, M Yerekesheva… - … of Theoretical and …, 2020 - elibrary.kubg.edu.ua
The article describes the model of cybersecurity means financing strategies of the
information object with incomplete information about the financial resources of the attacking …

[PDF][PDF] Информационные технологии масштабирования облачных приложений для цифровой образовательной среды университета с учетом …

БС Ахметов, МБ Аханова, МГ Стамкулова - Проблемы информатики в …, 2019 - probinf.ru
Рассматривается применение информационных технологий для масштабирования
облачных приложений для цифровой образовательной среды университета …

[PDF][PDF] М1 М2 М3

ММ М6 - Рекомендовано до друку вченою радою факультету … - lib.iitta.gov.ua
Сучасний рівень застосування інформаційних технологій (ІТ) і систем (ІТС) в умовах
глобалізації освіти досяг найвищої якості [1]. Однак, більшість фахівців в області ІТ …