Determinants of tax compliance intention among Jordanian SMEs: A focus on the theory of planned behavior

T Bani-Khalid, AF Alshira'h, MH Alshirah - Economies, 2022 -
The present study aimed to adopt the extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) to
determine the intentions of owner-managers in SMEs towards engaging in sales tax …

Managing taxpayer compliance: Reflections on the drivers of willingness to pay taxes in times of crisis

I Khozen, MS Setyowati - Cogent Business & Management, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indonesian government has taken proactive
measures to meet the needs of COVID-19 survivors by allocating substantial funds, primarily …

Determinants of tax compliance: Theory of planned behavior and stakeholder theory perspective

A Nurwanah, T Sutrisno, R Rosidi… - … and perspectives in …, 2018 -
The purpose of this research is to analyze and elaborate determinants of tax compliance in
the perspective of the theory of planned behavior and stakeholder theory. This research is …

[HTML][HTML] Factores que inciden en la intención del cumplimiento tributario de las microempresas

NJ BARBERAN, TG BASTIDAS… - Revista …, 2020 -
Determinar la relación de los factores que inciden en el cumplimiento tributario de las
microempresas en Guayaquil es el objetivo de esta investigación que se aborda con un …

Poder y compromiso: intención de cumplimiento tributario

NJB Zambrano, T Bastidas, MJR Paz… - Revista Venezolana de …, 2020 -
El presente estudio determina la relación entre el compromiso y el poder de las autoridades
con la intención del cumplimiento tributario. El estudio tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, de …

National culture as a moderator between social norms, religiosity, and tax evasion: Meta-analysis study

T Sutrisno, M Dularif - Cogent Business & Management, 2020 -
The objective of this research is to present the meta-analysis results of the relationship of
social norms and religiosity with tax evasion, with national culture as a moderating variable …

Perilaku Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi Pekerjaan Bebas Di Kota Denpasar

PJ Sani - Jurnal Pajak dan Keuangan Negara (PKN), 2022 -
Latar belakang dilakukan penelitian ini adalah adanya penurunan rasio kepatuhan pada
Wajib Pajak (WP) Orang Pribadi (OP) yang memperoleh penghasilan dari pekerjaan bebas …

Nilai-nilai etika berbasis kearifan lokal dan perilaku kepatuhan perpajakan

INP Yasa, MA Prayudi - Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 2019 -
By using the Theory of Planned Behavior perspective, this study aims to examine the role of
the Tri Kaya Parisudha concept as a form of local wisdom based ethical value in influencing …

Building Trust and Enhancing Tax Compliance: The Role of Authoritarian Procedures and Respectful Treatment in Indonesia

D Prastiwi, E Diamastuti - Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2023 -
This study delves into the impact of tax collection behavior on tax compliance among
individual taxpayers in Indonesia, with a specific focus on two distinct behaviors: respectful …

Tax non-compliance and perceptions of corruption: Policy implications for developing countries

A Rosid, C Evans, B Tran-Nam - Bulletin of Indonesian Economic …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Tax non-compliance and perceptions of corruption are key challenges to state-building in
developing countries. Using a social psychology approach, we develop a theoretical model …