Chtoucas pour les groupes réductifs et paramétrisation de Langlands globale

V Lafforgue - Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 2018 -
For any reductive group $ G $ over a global function field, we use the cohomology of $ G $-
shtukas with multiple modifications and the geometric Satake equivalence to prove the …

Constructible exponential functions, motivic Fourier transform and transfer principle

R Cluckers, F Loeser - Annals of mathematics, 2010 - JSTOR
We introduce spaces of exponential constructible functions in the motivic setting for which
we construct direct image functors in the absolute and relative settings. This allows us to …

On representations distinguished by unitary groups

B Feigon, E Lapid, O Offen - Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS, 2012 -
Let E/F be a quadratic extension of number fields. We study periods and regularized periods
of cusp forms and Eisenstein series on GLn (AE) over a unitary group of a Hermitian form …

Whittaker patterns in the geometry of moduli spaces of bundles on curves

E Frenkel, D Gaitsgory, K Vilonen - Annals of Mathematics, 2001 - JSTOR
Whittaker functions are ubiquitous in the modern theory of automorphic functions. In this
paper we develop a geometric version of the local Whittaker theory in the non-archimedian …

R\'esolutions de Demazure affines et formule de Casselman-Shalika g\'eom\'etrique

BC Ngô, P Polo - arXiv preprint math/0005022, 2000 -
We prove a conjecture of Frenkel, Gaitsgory, Kazhdan and Vilonen, related to Fourier
coefficients of spherical perverse sheaves on the affine Grassmannian associated to aa split …

Chtoucas pour les groupes r\'eductifs et param\'etrisation de Langlands globale

V Lafforgue - arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.5352, 2012 -
For any reductive group G over a global function field, we use the cohomology of G-shtukas
with multiple modifications and the geometric Satake equivalence to prove the global …

Transfer principle for the fundamental lemma

R Cluckers, T Hales, F Loeser - arXiv preprint arXiv:0712.0708, 2007 -
The purpose of this paper is to explain how the identities of various fundamental lemmas fall
within the scope of the transfer principle, a general result that allows to transfer theorems …

Coherent sheaves and categorical actions

S Cautis, J Kamnitzer, A Licata - 2010 -
We introduce the concept of a geometric categorical sl 2 action and relate it to that of a
strong categorical sl 2 action. The latter is a special kind of 2-representation in the sense of …

Equidimensionality of convolution morphisms and applications to saturation problems

TJ Haines - Advances in mathematics, 2006 - Elsevier
Fix a split connected reductive group G over a field k, and a positive integer r. For any r-tuple
of dominant coweights μi of G, we consider the restriction [Formula: see text] of the r-fold …

Quantum K-theoretic geometric Satake: the case

S Cautis, J Kamnitzer - Compositio Mathematica, 2018 -
Quantum K-theoretic geometric Satake: the SLn case Page 1 Quantum K-theoretic geometric
Satake: the SLn case Sabin Cautis and Joel Kamnitzer Compositio Math. 154 (2018), 275–327 …