Re-examining the role of explicit instruction and input flood on the acquisition of Spanish discourse markers

TA Hernández - Language Teaching Research, 2011 -
Expanding on the studies of Hernández (2008) and de la Fuente (2009), this investigation
examines the combined effect of explicit instruction (EI) and input flood (IF) vs. IF alone on …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of instruction on the use of L2 discourse markers

TA Hernández… - Journal of Second …, 2013 -
The present investigation compares the acquisition of L2 Spanish discourse markers under
explicit and implicit learning conditions. Subjects were fifth-semester Spanish students …

The effect of teaching structural discourse markers in an EFL classroom setting

BMJ Alraddadi - English Language Teaching, 2016 -
This study aimed to explore the effects of explicit teaching on the acquisition of spoken
discourse markers (DMs) on EFL learners' presentation production. It also aimed to measure …

Diskursni markeri u govornoj produkciji na italijanskom kao drugom jeziku

NP Ceković - Универзитет у Београду, 2016 -
Diskursni markeri (DM), reči i izrazi poput allora, quindi, cioè, ecco, insomma i drugih,
predstavljaju predmet lingvističkih proučavanja već nekoliko decenija, ali ih i dalje odlikuje …

[图书][B] The ideology of US Spanish in foreign and heritage language curricula: Insights from textbooks and instructor focus groups

KB Al Masaeed - 2014 -
According to data from the US Census Bureau (2012), the United States is the world's fifth
most populous Spanish-speaking country, with over 35 million Spanish-speakers. In …

An Analysis of the Effects of Explicit Teaching on the Acquisition of Structural Discourse Markers in EFL Speaking Classes in Saudi Arabia

BMJ Alraddadi - 2019 -
The study investigates the most appropriate way to teach structural discourse markers
(SDMs) and the effect of different treatments on their learning and acquisition. Discourse …

Investigating Arabic pragmatic markers in teacher talk: A multi-layered analytical approach

YA Azi - 2019 -
Through this descriptive qualitative case study of three native speaking Arabic teachers in
an L2 Arabic classroom in a private school setting in the US, this study presented a four …

Explicit and Implicit Instruction of Discourse Markers to Heritage Speakers of Spanish

M Cuartero Marco - 2019 -
The controversy of using Explicit and Implicit Instruction is widely discussed in the field of
Second Language Acquisition (SLA). SLA research generally addresses more salient …

Explicit and Implicit Instruction of Discourse Markers to Heritage Speakers of Spanish

MC Marco - 2019 -
The controversy of using Explicit and Implicit Instruction is widely discussed in the field of
Second Language Acquisition (SLA). SLA research generally addresses more salient …

Стратегијско управљање баштином као модел генерисања друштвених вредности

V Kisić - Универзитет у Београду, 2015 -
Иако је постојала потреба за интегративним приступом баштини у процесима
управљања баштином, до сада није била понуђена свеобухватна веза између …