A Review of Prototyping and Evaluating Approaches for Social Exergames Targeting Older Adults
R Yuan, S Zhang, X Yang, S Qiu, T Han… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
As society ages, social exergames may play a significant role in promoting positive and
effective intergenerational communication. This review presents a comprehensive overview …
effective intergenerational communication. This review presents a comprehensive overview …
[图书][B] Workplace communication: promoting workplace wellbeing and interpersonal relationships in multicultural contexts
J Crossman - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Workplace Communication highlights how we can build interpersonal relationships through
effective communication and why this is essential to workplace wellbeing. Well-supported by …
effective communication and why this is essential to workplace wellbeing. Well-supported by …
The relationship between LGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual) grandchildren and their grandparents
A Even-Zohar - Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The study sought to increase understanding of the relationship between LGB young adults
and their grandparents from the point of view of the grandchildren. In-depth semi-structured …
and their grandparents from the point of view of the grandchildren. In-depth semi-structured …
Perception of intergenerational conflict in Turkey
Intergenerational conflict has long been neglected as an intrinsic part of intergenerational
relationships since the focus was mainly on the solidarity aspect. Addressing this gap in the …
relationships since the focus was mainly on the solidarity aspect. Addressing this gap in the …
[HTML][HTML] Поколенческие особенности участия в социально-политических процессах
МИ Солосина - Научный результат. Социология и управление, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
Актуальность исследования представлений об особенностях участия в социально-
политических процессах представителей различных поколений обусловлена …
политических процессах представителей различных поколений обусловлена …
[PDF][PDF] Universities as Promoters of Intergenerational Learning: A Case Study on Public Consultation.
M Dzimińska - Human Resource Management/Zarzadzanie …, 2020 - academia.edu
Universities are challenged by the growing proportion of older people in the global
population. This is forcing academic institutions to reconsider how they should respond to an …
population. This is forcing academic institutions to reconsider how they should respond to an …
Uniwersytet jako propagator międzypokoleniowego uczenia się–opis przypadku konsultacji publicznych
M Dzimińska - Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi, 2020 - zzl.ipiss.com.pl
Rosnące proporcje osób starszych w globalnej populacji stanowią wyzwanie dla
uniwersytetów. Zmusza to instytucje akademickie do ponownego rozważenia, w jaki sposób …
uniwersytetów. Zmusza to instytucje akademickie do ponownego rozważenia, w jaki sposób …