A Review of Prototyping and Evaluating Approaches for Social Exergames Targeting Older Adults

R Yuan, S Zhang, X Yang, S Qiu, T Han… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
As society ages, social exergames may play a significant role in promoting positive and
effective intergenerational communication. This review presents a comprehensive overview …

[图书][B] Workplace communication: promoting workplace wellbeing and interpersonal relationships in multicultural contexts

J Crossman - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Workplace Communication highlights how we can build interpersonal relationships through
effective communication and why this is essential to workplace wellbeing. Well-supported by …

The relationship between LGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual) grandchildren and their grandparents

A Even-Zohar - Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The study sought to increase understanding of the relationship between LGB young adults
and their grandparents from the point of view of the grandchildren. In-depth semi-structured …

Perception of intergenerational conflict in Turkey

BÖ Ocaklı, B Yalçın - OPUS International Journal of Society …, 2021 - dergipark.org.tr
Intergenerational conflict has long been neglected as an intrinsic part of intergenerational
relationships since the focus was mainly on the solidarity aspect. Addressing this gap in the …

[HTML][HTML] Поколенческие особенности участия в социально-политических процессах

МИ Солосина - Научный результат. Социология и управление, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
Актуальность исследования представлений об особенностях участия в социально-
политических процессах представителей различных поколений обусловлена …

[PDF][PDF] Universities as Promoters of Intergenerational Learning: A Case Study on Public Consultation.

M Dzimińska - Human Resource Management/Zarzadzanie …, 2020 - academia.edu
Universities are challenged by the growing proportion of older people in the global
population. This is forcing academic institutions to reconsider how they should respond to an …

Uniwersytet jako propagator międzypokoleniowego uczenia się–opis przypadku konsultacji publicznych

M Dzimińska - Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi, 2020 - zzl.ipiss.com.pl
Rosnące proporcje osób starszych w globalnej populacji stanowią wyzwanie dla
uniwersytetów. Zmusza to instytucje akademickie do ponownego rozważenia, w jaki sposób …

[引用][C] Intergenerational communication in the workplace: A Critical Review

P Han - 2022 - Auckland University of Technology

[引用][C] Longevidade, aprendizagem ao longo da vida e intergeracionalidade: um estudo exploratório

CR Matos - 2020