Patient preferences and surrogate decision making in neuroscience intensive care units

X Cai, J Robinson, S Muehlschlegel, DB White… - Neurocritical care, 2015 - Springer
In the neuroscience intensive care unit (NICU), most patients lack the capacity to make their
own preferences known. This fact leads to situations where surrogate decision makers must …

Going it alone: A scoping review of unbefriended older adults

S Chamberlain, S Baik, C Estabrooks - Canadian Journal on Aging …, 2018 -
Older adults who have reduced decision-making capacity and no family or friends to
compensate for these deficiencies are known as unbefriended and require a public …

Ethical concerns and procedural pathways for patients who are incapacitated and alone: implications from a qualitative study for advancing ethical practice

J Moye, C Catlin, J Kwak, E Wood, PB Teaster - HEC Forum, 2017 - Springer
Adults who are incapacitated and alone, having no surrogates, may be known as
“unbefriended.” Decision-making for these particularly vulnerable patients is a common and …

Unbefriended and unrepresented: better medical decision making for incapacitated patients without healthcare surrogates

TM Pope - Ga. St. UL Rev., 2016 - HeinOnline
B. Emergency Exception and Implied Consent C. Advance Directives and POLST D. Agents
and Durable Powers of Attorney for Healthcare E. Default Surrogates and Proxies F …

Unrepresented adults face adverse healthcare consequences: The role of guardians, public guardianship reform, and alternative policy solutions

CC Catlin, HL Connors, PB Teaster… - Journal of Aging & …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Persons without family or friends to serve as healthcare agents may become
“unrepresented” in healthcare, with no one to serve as healthcare agents when decisional …

Do-not-resuscitate orders in the last days of life

FA Bailey, RS Allen, BR Williams… - Journal of palliative …, 2012 -
Background: The purpose of this analysis was to describe the presence and timing of do-not-
resuscitate (DNR) orders for imminently dying patients in VA Medical Centers, and to …

Medical decision-making for adults who lack decision-making capacity and a surrogate: State of the science

H Kim, MK Song - American Journal of Hospice and …, 2018 -
Background: Adults who lack decision-making capacity and a surrogate (“unbefriended”
adults) are a vulnerable, voiceless population in health care. But little is known about this …

The burden of guardianship: a matched cohort study

DN Ricotta, JJ Parris, RS Parris… - Journal of hospital …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
BACKGROUND In cases where patients are unable to provide informed consent and have
no surrogate decision‐maker, a hospital must seek guardian appointment as a legally …

Caring for unbefriended older adults and adult orphans: A clinician survey

TW Farrell, C Catlin, AH Chodos, AD Naik… - Clinical …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Objectives: Unbefriended older adults are those who lack the capacity to make medical
decisions and do not have a completed advance directive that can guide treatment …

Guardianship and conservatorship

T Grisso, R Borum, JF Edens, J Moye, RK Otto… - Evaluating …, 2003 - Springer
Every state provides by law for the assignment of a guardian or conservator for adults when
they are considered unable to care for themselves or to manage their own property. The …