Edited by P. Bickel, P. Diggle, S. Fienberg, U. Gather

I Olkin, S Zeger - 2006 - Springer
In 2006, Paul W. Holland retired from Educational Testing Service (ETS) after a career
spanning five decades. In 2008, ETS sponsored a conference, Looking Back, honoring …

[图书][B] Nonlinear system identification by Haar wavelets

P Sliwinski - 2012 - books.google.com
​ In order to precisely model real-life systems or man-made devices, both nonlinear and
dynamic properties need to be taken into account. The generic, black-box model based on …

Identification Algorithms

P Śliwiński, P Śliwiński - Nonlinear System Identification by Haar Wavelets, 2013 - Springer
Four nonparametric Haarregression estimates are proposed and applied to the system
nonlinearity identification (recovery). The algorithms are various implementations of the local …

Computational Algorithms

P Śliwiński, P Śliwiński - Nonlinear System Identification by Haar Wavelets, 2013 - Springer
Effective (that is, fast and involving only elementary arithmetic and comparison operations)
computational counterparts of the identification algorithms are proposed. The …

Identification Goal

P Śliwiński, P Śliwiński - Nonlinear System Identification by Haar Wavelets, 2013 - Springer
The fundamental relation between the Hammerstein system nonlinearity and the regression
function of the system output on the system input is presented. It allows recovery of the …

Haar Orthogonal Bases

P Śliwiński, P Śliwiński - Nonlinear System Identification by Haar Wavelets, 2013 - Springer
Two Haarwavelet bases, classic and the recently introduced unbalanced one, are presented
together with the corresponding fast wavelet transforms (in the classic and lifting versions) …

Hammerstein Systems

P Śliwiński, P Śliwiński - Nonlinear System Identification by Haar Wavelets, 2013 - Springer
A discrete-time cascade of a static nonlinearity followed by a linear dynamics, ie the
Hammerstein system, is presented. Its equivalence (from the proposed identification …