Ambiguity and the Bayesian paradigm

I Gilboa, M Marinacci - Readings in formal epistemology: Sourcebook, 2016 - Springer
John and Lisa are offered additional insurance against the risk of a heart disease. They
would like to know the probability of developing such a disease over the next 10 years. The …

Optimal selling mechanisms under moment conditions

V Carrasco, VF Luz, N Kos, M Messner… - Journal of Economic …, 2018 - Elsevier
We study the revenue maximization problem of a seller who is partially informed about the
distribution of buyer's valuations, only knowing its first N moments. The seller chooses the …

Robust monopoly pricing

D Bergemann, K Schlag - Journal of Economic Theory, 2011 - Elsevier
We consider a robust version of the classic problem of optimal monopoly pricing with
incomplete information. In the robust version, the seller faces model uncertainty and only …

Optimal auction design with common values: An informationally robust approach

B Brooks, S Du - Econometrica, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
A profit‐maximizing seller has a single unit of a good to sell. The bidders have a pure
common value that is drawn from a distribution that is commonly known. The seller does not …

Robustly collusion‐proof implementation

YK Che, J Kim - Econometrica, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
A contract with multiple agents may be susceptible to collusion. We show that agents'
collusion imposes no cost in a large class of circumstances with risk neutral agents …

Vector expected utility and attitudes toward variation

M Siniscalchi - Econometrica, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
This paper proposes a model of decision under ambiguity deemed vector expected utility, or
VEU. In this model, an uncertain prospect, or Savage act, is assessed according to (a) a …

Mechanism design with maxmin agents: Theory and an application to bilateral trade

A Wolitzky - Theoretical Economics, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This paper studies mechanism design when agents are maxmin expected utility maximizers.
A first result gives a general necessary condition for a social choice rule to be …

Mechanism design with ambiguous communication devices

S Bose, L Renou - Econometrica, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This paper considers mechanism design problems in environments with ambiguity‐sensitive
individuals. The novel idea is to introduce ambiguity in mechanisms so as to exploit the …

Ambiguous persuasion

D Beauchêne, J Li, M Li - Journal of Economic Theory, 2019 - Elsevier
We study a persuasion game à la Kamenica and Gentzkow (2011) where players are
ambiguity averse with maxmin expected utility (Gilboa and Schmeidler, 1989). With no prior …

Randomization and ambiguity aversion

S Ke, Q Zhang - Econometrica, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
We propose a model of preferences in which the effect of randomization on ambiguity
depends on how the unknown probability law is determined. We adopt the framework of …