Acoustic time-reversal mirrors

M Fink, C Prada - Inverse problems, 2001 -
The objective of this paper is to show that time-reversal invariance can be exploited in
acoustics to accurately control wave propagation through random propagating media as …

Green's function representations for seismic interferometry

K Wapenaar, J Fokkema - Geophysics, 2006 -
The term seismic interferometry refers to the principle of generating new seismic responses
by crosscorrelating seismic observations at different receiver locations. The first version of …

Coda wave interferometry for estimating nonlinear behavior in seismic velocity

R Snieder, A Grêt, H Douma, J Scales - Science, 2002 -
In coda wave interferometry, one records multiply scattered waves at a limited number of
receivers to infer changes in the medium over time. With this technique, we have determined …

Multiple scattering ofsound

A Tourin, M Fink, A Derode - Waves in random media, 2000 -
We present a topical review which summarizes the main contributions to 'multiple scattering
of acoustic and elastic waves' including the most recent advances. The review is divided into …

Time-reversed acoustics

M Fink, D Cassereau, A Derode, C Prada… - Reports on progress …, 2000 -
Time-reversed acoustics Page 1 Time-reversed acoustics To cite this article: Mathias Fink et al
2000 Rep. Prog. Phys. 63 1933 View the article online for updates and enhancements. You …

The theory of coda wave interferometry

R Snieder - Pure and Applied geophysics, 2006 - Springer
Coda waves are sensitive to changes in the subsurface because the strong scattering that
generates these waves causes them to repeatedly sample a limited region of space. Coda …

Tutorial on seismic interferometry: Part 2—Underlying theory and new advances

K Wapenaar, E Slob, R Snieder, A Curtis - Geophysics, 2010 -
In the 1990s, the method of time-reversed acoustics was developed. This method exploits
the fact that the acoustic wave equation for a lossless medium is invariant for time reversal …

Time reversal imaging of obscured targets from multistatic data

AJ Devaney - IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2005 -
The methods employed in time-reversal imaging are applied to radar imaging problems
using multistatic data collected from sparse and unstructured phased array antenna …

Transmission mode time-reversal super-resolution imaging

SK Lehman, AJ Devaney - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2003 -
The theory of time-reversal super-resolution imaging of point targets embedded in a
reciprocal background medium [AJ Devaney,“Super-resolution imaging using time-reversal …

Time-reversal-based imaging and inverse scattering of multiply scattering point targets

AJ Devaney, EA Marengo, FK Gruber - The Journal of the Acoustical …, 2005 -
Time-reversal-based imaging and inverse scattering of multiply scattering point targets | The
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | AIP Publishing Skip to Main Content Umbrella …