The Use of the Constructivist Teaching Sequence (CTS) to Facilitate Changes in the Visual Representations of Fifth-Grade Elementary School Students: A Case Study …

RS Anam, S Gumilar, A Widodo - International Journal of Science and …, 2024 - Springer
Most primary school students, although they grasp the scientific concepts of heat convection
at the macroscopic level, commonly fail to visualize those concepts. Therefore, our research …

The constructivist principle of learning by being in physics teaching

M Calalb - Athens Journal of Education, 2023 -
A detailed characteristic of teaching and learning approaches used within the new concept
of Learning by Being (LBB) is given. The evolution of educational paradigms from Learning …

A constructivist approach of advanced physics concepts: using a cognitive map for the study of magnetoresistive materials

F Iofciu, C Miron, S Antohe - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011 - Elsevier
Constructivist paradigm is one of the most favorite theory nowadays when is needed to
change the perception of science teaching. It is well known that advanced physics concepts …

[PDF][PDF] MURPHY–Multimedia Tool for Advanced Physics Concept Approach: Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR)

F Iofciu, C Miron, M Dafinei, A Dafinei… - Romanian Reports in …, 2012 -
Unprecedented development of IT nowadays involves the necessity to explain for enlarged
human community (ordinary people) the advanced science concepts. Now, there are …

[PDF][PDF] Repere în aplicarea principiilor didacticii constructiviste la lecția de fizică în gimnaziu

M Calalb - Materialele Conferinței Republicane a Cadrelor …, 2021 -
Cercetările recente arată că înțelegerea greșită a noțiunilor din fizică rămâne a fi destul
de înaltă nu doar în rândurile elevilor, dar și a profesorilor când până la 30% din cadre …

[PDF][PDF] Studying advanced science concepts using constructivist strategies in middle and high school

F Iofciu, C Miron, S Antohe - Romanian Reports in Physics, 2013 -
Technological development based on new results of researchers in the fields of science we
are exposed every day is a real challenge for all the people, especially for middle and high …

Graphic organizer for constructivist approach of advanced science concepts:“Magnetorezistence”

F Iofciu, C Miron, S Antohe - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011 - Elsevier
Informational burst nowadays staying in unprecedented development of technical
applications is a real challenge for science teachers wishing to offer to their younger and …


Realizarea lucrării de fa ă a fost un drum lung, cu sui uri, coborâ uri, ț ș ș momente plăcute
i unele mai dificile care, însă, inevitabil ș fac parte din activitatea unui student doctorand …

Using concept map for a better understanding of circular motion

FS Chiriacescu, B Chiriacescu, C Miron… - AIP Conference …, 2020 -
The concept maps are didactic instruments useful in any stage of the learning process:
teaching, learning, evaluation. Employing this tool, the teacher can share the knowledge in a …

[PDF][PDF] CMAP Tools and Tracker used for studying the harmonic oscillator

FS Chiriacescu, B Chiriacescu, C Miron… - of the 14th International …, 2019 -
We propose a high school level method of study of the harmonic oscillations using two free
of charge software. This method can be useful for understanding and learning of the …