Kinetics of repeat propagation in the microgene polymerization reaction

M Itsko, A Rabinovitch, A Zaritsky - Biophysical journal, 2009 -
Repetitive DNA is a periodic copolymer with the intrinsic property of exponential propagation
to longer repeats. Microgene polymerization reaction (MPR) is a model system in which a …

Thermodynamics of Unstable DNA Structures from the Kinetics of the Microgene PCR

M Itsko, A Zaritsky, A Rabinovitch - The Journal of Physical …, 2008 - ACS Publications
The microgene polymerization reaction (MPR) generates head-to-tail tandem repeats from
homoduplexes (HDs). In MPR initiation, one HD putatively aligns two others in the proximity …

Tandem DNA repeats: generation and propagation in the microgene polymerization reaction and in vivo

M Itsko, E Ben-Dov, A Rabinovitch… - … of Thermodynamics to …, 2011 -
Short and long-motif periodicities are omnipresent in genomes of both eukaryotes (Britten &
Kohne 1968) and prokaryotes (Hofnung & Shapiro, 1999). Repetitive DNA can amount to …

Kinetics and Thermodynamics of the Microgene Polymerization Reaction

Y Shai - Biophysical Journal, 2009 -
In this issue of the Biophysical Journal, Itsko et al. present a sound kinetic model for the
microgene polymerization reaction (MPR)(1). The MPR is an empirical method discovered a …