Socialism and the transition in East and Central Europe: the homogeneity paradigm, class, and economic inefficiency

L Fuller - Annual Review of Sociology, 2000 -
The homogeneity (mass-elite) paradigm exerts inordinate influence over social research on
East and Central European socialism and its transition. I explore the epistemological and …

What Was Behind the Delay in the Bulgarian Privatization Process?: Determining Incentives and Barriers of Privatization as a Way of Foreign Entry

A Bitzenis - Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
It is conventionally thought that to develop competition in a transition economy, privatization,
restructuring, and creation of new firms should take place first. Bulgaria's experience raises …

Bulgarian economic policy and performance, 1991–1997

ML Wyzan - Bulgaria In Transition, 2019 -
In the general elections held on 19 April1997 the United Democratic Forces secured 52.2
percent of the vote and 137 of the 240 seats in parliament. The Democratic Left, dominated …

[图书][B] Mergers and acquisitions as the pillar of foreign direct investment

7.1 Foreign involvement by entry mode 101 8.1 Value of cross-border M&As in CEE by
region of seller, 1989–2010, in millions of US dollars 125 8.2 Value of cross-border M&A …

Economic transformation and regional inequality in Bulgaria: In search of a meaningful unit of analysis

ML Wyzan - The Bulgarian Economy, 2019 -
This chapter describes the reform environment in Bulgaria-focusing on macroeconomic
stabilization and structural reform-so as to set the stage for the regional analysis that follows …

[PDF][PDF] Yugoslavya'da sosyalizmden kapitalizme geçiş: Özyönetim uygulaması

C Sancaktar - İstanbul Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, 2009 -
Yugoslavya’da Sosyalizmden Kapitalizme Geçiş: Özyönetim Uygulaması Page 1 TC İstanbul
Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Uluslararası İlişkiler Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi …

Environmental politics and transition

S Baker - Environmental Problems in East-Central Europe, 2002 -
This chapter examines how environmental politics is being shaped by the transition process
currently underway across the region. Because of the close connection between political …

The impact of adverse initial conditions and the resulting speed and sequence of reforms in determining the delayed EU membership of Bulgaria

A Bitzenis, J Marangos - The Social Science Journal, 2009 - Elsevier
The subject of the paper is the analysis of the speed, sequence and path of a formerly
centrally administered economy, Bulgaria, to a market economy. Comparing the …

Mergers and acquisitions in Central and Eastern Europe and the impact of the global economic crisis

C Sakali - Mergers and acquisitions as the pillar of foreign direct …, 2012 - Springer
Globalization and the intensity of economic competition have been exerting enormous
pressure on companies in all industrial economic sectors to be in constant search of new …


Toplumsal olaylar birden çok etkenden kaynaklan› r ve birden çok sonuç üretir. Bu nedenle,
toplumsal olaylar› tek bir etkenle aç› klamak ve analiz etmek mümkün de¤ ildir. Öyleyse …