Regulatory barriers for space commercialization in Indonesia

IAT Rahmawidiani - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023 -
Indonesia is embracing the idea to commercialize its space activities by inviting private
sectors and foreign investment to do and/or finance space business in Indonesia through the …

Mars Colonization Plan: The Possibility And Scheme For Appropriation On Mars

YM Putro - Prophetic Law Review, 2020 -
In the dawn of space era, State-driven and monopolized the space activities. This was
exacerbated by high cost, military interference and the uncertain possibilities of civilian use …

[引用][C] Peran Kerjasama Regional Keantariksaan bagi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Indonesia: Studi Kasus APRSAF

S Anggina, A Zaki - Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora, 2023