Efforts to improve tajwid learning using the An-Nahdliyah method in Diniyah students

MZ Mubarok, M Subandi, M Yusuf… - Assyfa Journal of …, 2023 - journal.assyfa.com
The essential ability to read the Koran is critical for children, especially students. The
information that the researchers obtained was that most of the students still had difficulty …

The fundamentals of Islamic religious education in inclusive schools meet special needs children's PAI issues

WSS Pandia, S Lee, S Khan - Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies, 2024 - journal.assyfa.com
Education is a profound and essential process that enables individuals to achieve success
in their social lives and various other domains. Designed specifically for children with …

The Effect of setting up an Irish boarding school on the rights of Adolescence

K Asror, S Subandi, J Jaenullah… - Assyfa Journal of Islamic …, 2023 - journal.assyfa.com
Islamic boarding school institutions grow entirely based on religious motivation. Then, it was
further developed to make efforts to broadcast and practice spiritual teachings more …

Restoration of Sekar Wilis Local Tourism and Planting Plant Seeds

LA Zain, W Kusnawan… - Jurnal Inovasi Dan …, 2023 - journal.assyfa.com
This service activity is in partnership with the community and youth organizations in
Kesugihan Village. The method used is location survey and situation analysis. The results of …

Internalizing Islamic Religious Education Values will" increase" high school religious culture

IR Kusumawati, RWA Sah… - AMCA Journal of …, 2023 - journal.amca2012.org
The objective of this study is to provide a description and analysis of the process by which
the values of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) are internalized to enhance religious culture …

The Impact of Islamic Values and Local Wisdom on Students' Social Behavior: A Study at Pondok Pesantren Al-Fatimah, Bojonegoro

N Setiawan, M Resavita… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2024 - journal.iai-alfatimah.ac.id
Islamic values and local wisdom are integral to shaping individuals' social behavior,
particularly within the educational framework of Pondok Pesantren (Islamic boarding …

Video Blog (Vlog): Media Innovation in Mathematics Learning explores creative mathematics learning

U Zahroh, F Ariansyah… - Journal of Teaching and …, 2024 - ejournal.umm.ac.id
Students often need help acquiring information about mathematics delivered in class within
a limited timeframe, without the opportunity for repeated discussions or comprehensive …

[引用][C] Media-assisted constructivist approach-based mathematics learning for inclusive schools improves concentration and memory

WSS Pandia, A Laudra, S Caw - Delta-Phi: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2023

Strategy to Improve al-Quran Reading and Writing Skills in Public Schools: Case Study at SMAN 2 Bandung

MA Hanafi, MA Somad, U Romli - Journal of Islamic Education …, 2024 - jier.uinkhas.ac.id
This research aims to explore strategies for improving Al-Quran Reading and Writing (Baca
Tulis al-Quran/BTQ) skills in public schools, with a case study at SMAN 2 Bandung. Studying …

Implementation of Islamic Values and Local Wisdom and Its Effects on Social Behavior Among Santri at Pondok Pesantren al-Fatimah Bojonegoro

N Setiawan, M Resavita… - … for Muslim Scholars, 2024 - proceedings.kopertais4.or.id
Islamic values and local wisdom are integral to shaping individuals' social behavior,
particularly within the educational framework of Pondok Pesantren (Islamic boarding …