Which Degree for Which Occupation? Vertical and Horizontal Mismatch Among Immigrants, Their Children, and Grandchildren in France

R Weber, M Ferry, M Ichou - Demography, 2024 - read.dukeupress.edu
Prior research has found that immigrants are often overeducated: their educational
attainment is higher than required or commonly observed in their occupation. Yet, less is …

[HTML][HTML] Explaining the attainment of the second-generation: When does parental relative education matter?

A Ferrara, R Luthra - Social Science Research, 2024 - Elsevier
How can we understand the considerable unexplained variation in the educational
outcomes of the children of immigrants? A broad literature documents that standard models …

Wage Disparities across Immigrant Generations: Education, Segregation, or Unequal Pay?

JH Han, AS Hermansen - ILR Review, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Immigrants and their native-born children often face considerable wage penalties relative to
natives, but less is known about whether this inequality arises through differences in …

Immigrant selectivity at school entry

YR Lanuza - Sociological Forum, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Immigrant educational selectivity—immigrant parents' educational attainment relative to their
peers who did not migrate—is associated with better schooling outcomes for children at later …

Overqualification Among Second-Generation Children of Immigrants in the Swedish Labour Market

W Kim - European Journal of Population, 2024 - Springer
Research on the children of immigrants born in the host country (G2) consistently reveals
disparities between their educational achievements and labour market outcomes compared …

Hva vet vi om klasse i akademia?

EN Larsen - Notat–Institutt for samfunnsforskning, 2024 - samfunnsforskning.brage.unit.no
Dette notatet har som siktemål å kartlegge empirisk kunnskap om sammenhengen mellom
sosial bakgrunn og akademiske karrierer i Norge. Det finnes mye empirisk forskning, både i …

Which Degree for Which Occupation? Vertical and Horizontal Mismatch Among Immigrants, Their Children, and Grandchildren in France

R Weber, M Ferry, M Ichou - 2023 - hal.science
Prior research shows that immigrants are often over-educated: their educational attainment
is higher than what is required or commonly observed in their occupation. Yet, less is known …

Assessing theories and mechanisms in sociology: Insights from empirical studies on segregation, education, fertility, and class

AF Rogne - 2024 - duo.uio.no
How can we assess theories and test theoretical mechanisms in sociology and the social
sciences? This thesis presents five articles attempting to answer difficult sociological …

Societal Obstacles in Higher Education That Hinder Adulthood Development in Northern Myanmar: A Phenomenological Study

S Nam - 2024 - digitalcommons.liberty.edu
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to describe the lived experiences of
college graduates who faced societal obstacles in higher education in Kachin State …

The Impact of a High School Writing Center on Academic Performance and Personal Growth

MM Fanara - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Abstract In the post-COVID-19-global-pandemic secondary education landscape,
addressing student needs has become paramount. This study examined the efficacy of peer …