On the stability of compactified d= 11 supermembranes: Global aspects of the bosonic sector

I Martin, A Restuccia, R Torrealba - Nuclear Physics B, 1998 - Elsevier
We prove that the Hamiltonian for the bosonic sector of D= 11 supermembrane theories,
wrapped in an irreducible way around S1× S1× M9 on the target manifold, only has strict …

Stable solutions of the double compactified D= 11 supermembrane dual

I Martın, J Ovalle, A Restuccia - Physics Letters B, 2000 - Elsevier
The hamiltonian formulation of the supersymmetric closed 2-brane dual to the double
compactified D= 11 closed supermembrane is presented. The formulation is in terms of two …

New topological aspects of BF theories

MI Caicedo, A Restuccia - Classical and Quantum Gravity, 1998 - iopscience.iop.org
BF theories defined over non-trivial line bundles are studied. It is shown that such theories
describe a realization of a non-trivial higher-order bundle. The partition function differs from …

On some stability properties of compactified D=11 supermembranes

I Martin, A Restuccia - … and Quantum Symmetries: Proceedings of the …, 1999 - Springer
We desribe the minimal configurations of the bosonic membrane potential, when the
membrane wraps up in an irreducible way over S 1× S 1. The membrane 2-dimensional …

Topologically massive models from Higgs mechanism

A De Castro, A Restuccia - arXiv preprint hep-th/9706060, 1997 - arxiv.org
A Higgs mechanism for Abelian theories over non-trivial background flat connections is
proposed. It is found that the mass generated for the spin 1 excitation is the same as the one …

Massive gauge axion fields

PJ Arias, A Khoudeir - Modern Physics Letters A, 1999 - World Scientific
A gauge-invariant formulation for the massive axion is considered. The axion acquires mass
through a topological term which couples a (pseudo) scalar and a third rank antisymmetric …

On the geometry on antisymmetric fields

MI Caicedo, I Martin, A Restuccia - arXiv preprint hep-th/9711122, 1997 - arxiv.org
The geometry of antisymmetric fields with nontrivial transitions over a base manifold is
described in terms of exact sequences of cohomology groups. This formulation leads …

On global analysis of duality maps

I Martin, A Restuccia - arXiv preprint hep-th/9703122, 1997 - arxiv.org
A global analysis of duality transformations is presented. It is shown that duality between
quantum field theories exists only when the geometrical structure of the quantum …

String Solitons in M Theory Fivebrane: A possibility of higher order U (1) bundles

K Fujii - arXiv preprint hep-th/9711018, 1997 - arxiv.org
A volume form $ H $ on the $ n $--dimensional sphere $ S^ n $ is closed $(dH= 0) $, so that
it is locally written as $ H= dB $, where B is a $(n-1) $--form. In the first half we give an …

Non-Abelian Dual Maps in Path Space

I Martín - Modern Physics Letters A, 1999 - World Scientific
We study an extension of the procedure to construct duality transformations among Abelian
gauge theories to the non-Abelian case using a path space formulation. We define a pre …