Komunikasi Korporat Teori Dan Praktis
Semakin kompleksnya permasalahan dan semakin tajamnya persaingan di berbagai
bidang membuat kebutuhan akan para profesional dan pakar yang handal di bidang …
bidang membuat kebutuhan akan para profesional dan pakar yang handal di bidang …
Manajemen hubungan masyarakat dalam upaya peningkatan pencitraan sekolah (studi kasus di SMP Al Hikmah Surabaya)
IN Harini - Jurnal Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan, 2014 - ejournal.unesa.ac.id
Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan antara lain (1)
Perencanaan hubungan masyarakat dalam upaya peningkatan pencitraan sekolah di SMP …
Perencanaan hubungan masyarakat dalam upaya peningkatan pencitraan sekolah di SMP …
Sustainability strategy: Strengthening SDGs desa through CSR communication program
Purpose: This study aims to examine the sustainability strategy of Indocement Tunggal
Prakarsa Cirebon West Java in implementing the sustainability commitment of …
Prakarsa Cirebon West Java in implementing the sustainability commitment of …
[PDF][PDF] Digital transformation to the sustainability of public relations profession in the era of disruption
A Pribadi, N Nasution - Commicast, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The presence of the digital era also encourages humans to transform digitally. Whether we
realize it or not, digital transformation is increasingly prevalent in various sectors, one of …
realize it or not, digital transformation is increasingly prevalent in various sectors, one of …
Konstruksi makna cadar oleh wanita bercadar jamaah pengajian masjid Umar bin Khattab kelurahan delima kecamatan tampan pekanbaru
N Yohana, MS Novri - 2016 - neliti.com
Recently, the phenomenon of veiled women has become familiar in our society. in the
region of pekanbaru the use of the veil by women followers of Islam also became a …
region of pekanbaru the use of the veil by women followers of Islam also became a …
[PDF][PDF] The Effect of Marketing Public Relations on Brand Image
I Sinaga - Jurnal Akuntansi, Ekonomi Dan Manajemen Bisnis, 2014 - core.ac.uk
The purpose of this research was 1) to identify the factors of the Marketing and Public
Relations. 2) Explain the influence factors of Marketing and Public Relations of the brand …
Relations. 2) Explain the influence factors of Marketing and Public Relations of the brand …
Corporate Value: Persona pada Company Profile PT. Kereta Api Indonesia
S Prawiradiredja… - … e-ISSN: 2579-9371 …, 2018 - repository.unitomo.ac.id
ABSTRAK PT KERETA API INDONESIA adalah badan usaha milik negara (BUMN). PT
KERETA API INDONESIA cara memasarkan mengenai produknya itu dengan companny …
KERETA API INDONESIA cara memasarkan mengenai produknya itu dengan companny …
Implementasi Corporate Social Responsibility dalam Membangun Reputasi Perusahaan
DR Rahmayanti - Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2014 - ojs.uajy.ac.id
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a company commitment for its stakeholders, is
conducted to support the company orientation to maintain relationships as well as material …
conducted to support the company orientation to maintain relationships as well as material …
Dinamika sikap warga atas program csr bank sampah Gunung Anyar Surabaya
Y Nugraheni, AY Widyaningrum - Jurnal Studi Komunikasi, 2019 - ejournal.unitomo.ac.id
The research was carried out with the aim of looking at citizens' acceptance of the CSR
program implemented by PT PLN. The theory used is the theory of community relations, the …
program implemented by PT PLN. The theory used is the theory of community relations, the …
Tindakan Komunikatif Masyarakat “kampung preman” dalam proses pemberdayaan
Y Setyowati - Jurnal Aspikom, 2016 - jurnalaspikom.org
This study aims to identify and analyze the process of community empowerment at “Badran
thugs village” in Yogyakarta through PT. Sarihusada CSR program and to analyze …
thugs village” in Yogyakarta through PT. Sarihusada CSR program and to analyze …