[图书][B] Experiencing public relations

E Bridgen, D Verčič - 2017 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 Experiencing Public Relations examines the everyday experiences of
PR practitioners in order to better understand how public relations is perceived by those both …

Influences of postcolonialism over the understanding and evolution of public relations in Latin America

M Juan-Carlos, SMA María, SA Andréia… - Experiencing Public …, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter presents a brief description of what constitutes Latin America and the regional
authors who have contributed to the postcolonial perspective. It explores the application of …

Estrategias de narrativa audiovisual aplicadas a la comunicación institucional: los casos de Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri, Coco Chanel y Volodímir Zelenski

A Sánchez de la Nieta Hernández - 2023 - burjcdigital.urjc.es
La presente investigación trata de demostrar que las herramientas y estrategias de escritura
cinematográfica, especialmente aquellas relacionadas con la construcción de los …