Idea management systems in developing innovation capacity

E Mikelsone, A Spilbergs, T Volkova… - International journal of …, 2022 - World Scientific
This paper aims to identify the different idea management system (IMS) types impact on
innovation capacity and to support companies in the selection of the most appropriate IMS …

Факторы развития инновационного потенциала предприятий промышленного региона на примере города Нижний Тагил

СВ Власов - Вестник УрФУ. Серия: Экономика и управление …, 2019 -
Исследование посвящено комплексной оценке факторов, сдерживающих и
стимулирующих инновационное развитие предприятий в современных условиях. Цель …

[HTML][HTML] Methodology for assessing the innovation potential of the transport and logistics complex

АС Лебедева, ЕВ Будрина, ЛИ Рогавичене… - π-Economy, 2024 -
The study is aimed at developing methodological tools for assessing the innovation potential
of transport and logistics complex (TLC), which is the basis for forming strategic decisions …

[PDF][PDF] Methodology for assessing the innovation potential of the transport and logistics complex. π-Economy, 17 (4), 124–138

AS Lebedeva, EV Budrina… - DOI: https://doi. org …, 2024 -
The study is aimed at developing methodological tools for assessing the innovation potential
of transport and logistics complex (TLC), which is the basis for forming strategic decisions …

Company innovation potential and how to measure it

M Špaček - International Journal of Learning and Change, 2021 -
The purpose of the paper was to illustrate and substantiate specific approach to innovation
potential measurement by means of the complex indicator. The approach to the construction …

Структура и оценка инновационного потенциала субъектов малого бизнеса

ЖБ Рахметулина, Б Сланбекова - Central Asian Economic Review, 2018 -
Аннотация Мақалада шағын бизнес кәсіпорындарының инновациялық әлеуетін
бағалаудың әр түрлі тәсілдері қарастырылған. Инновациялық әлеуетті бағалаудың …

The innovative potential of scientific and research units in the process of entrepreneurial discovery—examples from selected eu regions

G Bednarczyk, DM Trzmielak - Marketing of Scientific and Research …, 2022 -
The entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP) is an element of the Research and Innovation
Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) concept, which is the basis for activities carried out …

Features of territorial investments concentration in the fixed capital in an industrial region (the case of Sverdlovsk region in Russia)

S Vlasov - Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego …, 2022 -
The misbalance between the efforts of state and local authorities to win the financial backing
of small and medium-sized enterprises and the lack of the significant change in indicators of …

[PDF][PDF] Managing the innovation potential of organizations in the real sector of the economy

Ч Хао - 2022 -
Minsk, 2022 Page 1 Minsk, 2022 Page 2 * GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WORK
Master’s thesis: 97 pages, 20figures, 8 tables,l 10 sources, MANAGING THE INNOVATION …

Wykorzystywanie potencjału innowacyjnego jednostek naukowo-badawczych w procesie przedsiębiorczego odkrywania-przykłady z wybranych regionów UE

G Bednarczyk, DM Trzmielak - Marketing Instytucji Naukowych …, 2022 -
The entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP) is an element of the Research and Innovation
Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) concept, which is the basis for activities carried out …