[图书][B] Smart specialisation: Opportunities and challenges for regional innovation policy

D Foray - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
This is the first book on a new policy approach that has been widely adopted in Europe and
beyond. It analyses the concept of smart specialisation and discuss the need for smart …

[HTML][HTML] Региональные аспекты индустриального развития: обзор подходов к формированию приоритетов и механизмов регулирования

ВВ Акбердина, ОА Романова - Экономика региона, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
Возрастающие экономические и политические риски в современном мире
актуализировали значимость промышленности как надежного гаранта суверенитета …

Agents of structural change: The role of firms and entrepreneurs in regional diversification

F Neffke, M Hartog, R Boschma… - Economic Geography, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
abstract Who introduces structural change in regional economies: Entrepreneurs or existing
firms? And do local or nonlocal establishment founders create most novelty in a region? We …

[引用][C] The Regional and Urban Policy of the European Union: Cohesion, Results-Orientation and Smart Specialisation

P McCann - 2015 - books.google.com
Page 1 INPUTs OUTPUTs l £onco's £ # The Regional and Urban Policy of the European Union
| Cohesion, Results-Orientation and Smart Specialisation PHILIP McCANN New Horizons in …

The role of universities in regional development: Conceptual models and policy institutions in the UK, Sweden and Austria

M Trippl, T Sinozic, H Lawton Smith - European Planning Studies, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The literature on universities' contributions to regional development is broad and diverse. A
precise understanding of how regions may draw advantages from various university …

What drives the capacity to integrate Industry 4.0 technologies? Evidence from European R&D projects

A Muscio, A Ciffolilli - Economics of Innovation and New …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Industry 4.0 is a word that identifies innovative technologies, processes and products, typical
of a Fourth Industrial Revolution characterised by a massive and pervasive use of …

Efforts to implement smart specialization in practice—leading unlike horses to the water

H Kroll - European Planning Studies, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This paper reflects on the implementation of the RIS3 policy agenda. Based on two surveys
and various phone interviews, it underlines that Europe's diverse pattern of institutional …

[PDF][PDF] Regional branching and smart specialisation policy

R Boschma, C Gianelle - S3 Policy Brief Series, 2014 - researchgate.net
This note studies the mechanisms through which regional economies diversify over time and
formulates suggestions on how policy can influence such process. In particular, two closely …

Impact of European Cohesion Policy on regional growth: does local economic structure matter?

M Percoco - Regional Studies, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Impact of European Cohesion Policy on regional growth: does local economic
structure matter? Regional Studies. A growing body of literature has analysed the effect of …

Evolution of innovation system literature: Intellectual bases and emerging trends

ES Kashani, S Roshani - Technological forecasting and social change, 2019 - Elsevier
The evolution of innovation system literature is scrutinized to delineate the conceptual trends
over the past 30 years. We applied the Sigma index which is supposed to include not only …